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  1. MysticOracle

    should i shouldnt i trade?

    got a guy wanting to trade an ipod touch 32 gb 4th gen for my xbox 360 elite w/ 4 games included good deal or no?
  2. MysticOracle

    Weird Optical Illusion Turns Beautiful Girls Into Horrible Monsters

    wM6lGNhPujE This optical illusion is one of the weirdest, freakiest brain phenomenon I’ve ever experienced. It’s called the flashed face distortion effect, but just follow the instructions in the video and experience it for yourself, then read the description: We describe a novel...
  3. MysticOracle

    Oklahoma pharmacist sentenced to life for killing would-be robber

    An Oklahoma pharmacist has been sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole for first-degree murder in the shooting death of a teenager who tried to rob the south Oklahoma City pharmacy where he worked. Fifty-nine-year-old Jerome Ersland was sentenced Monday after Oklahoma County...
  4. MysticOracle

    Man Seeking Prison Medical Care Robs Bank For $1

    GASTON, NC (KTLA) -- A reportedly unemployed, uninsured man robbed a bank for $1 in order to get thrown in jail and receive medical attention. Richard James Verone, a 59-year-old man who reportedly suffers from a growth on his chest, two ruptured disks, and a foot injury, walked into RBC bank...
  5. MysticOracle

    Anyone ever save the packaging

    to colletor's/special editions? for either resale later or thinking it might be worth millions in 100 years... i have a friend that must have 30 boxes in mint condition....i call him a hoarder he tends to believe shits worth money
  6. MysticOracle


    The company said the game is the culmination of the adventure of main character Ezio, who becomes an Assassin after his father and brothers are murdered by a traitor to their family. The games take place in Italy, during the Renaissance period. The first screenshot, however, reveals a venue...
  7. MysticOracle

    6's and 7's VIP package

    not sure if this has been discussed, im sure it has but i just got around to seeing what it was....and its FUCKIN GAY...i've done the VIP package since its came into strange existence, but this not fuckin with seriously...notebooks, stencils, photobooks, picture frames, stickers, a...
  8. MysticOracle


    the web series will start april 12th 2011 jax and kano ( pre cyborg ) D1uTTtQ21Ls
  9. MysticOracle

    RESIDENT EVIL : Operation Raccoon City Unveiled

    YET MORE RESIDENT EVIL COMING SOON! Developed by Slant-Six (former developer of Socom), Operation Raccoon City has finally been confirmed; will be a team-based shooter. PS3 and Xbox 360 are the confirmed consoles. More info will be released in the May issue of the Official Xbox Magazine. Here...
  10. MysticOracle


    Announced via Famitsu, Revival Selection (or Resident Evil: Revival Selection HD Remastered Version) is a remastered high-definition version of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica, but no other new game elements; it will be released for the PS3 and 360. No additional content has...
  11. MysticOracle

    third party PS3 controllers

    anybody ever tried one that wasnt the official 55-60 dollar garbage.... im looking into this one but the reviews or mixed
  12. MysticOracle

    god is gooood!...

    this bitch is a wack job.... 7UmotTE-VlY just saw this on youtube not sure if its legit info but hey Her name is ......Pamela M. Foreman 15828 Hampton Village Dr Tampa,FL 33618-1654 Phone: 813-908-2330
  13. MysticOracle

    BART train derails

    In Concord to SF only 3 minor injuries... imagine going face first into one of those bacteria ridden seats.....
  14. MysticOracle

    Online Storage for Game Saves Coming to PlayStation Plus

    Posted by Susan Panico // Sr. Director, PlayStation Network Hey everyone – We’ve got an exciting new feature coming exclusively to PlayStation Plus subscribers. Included in the system software update (v3.60) coming tomorrow to PS3, PlayStation Network’s new online storage for game saves feature...
  15. MysticOracle

    Upcoming MK Blu-ray Release To Contain Jade Klassic Costume

    both movies are being released on Blu-ray along side of the video games on April 19th, 2011. An extra bonus is that these editions will contain exclusive codes to unlock a Jade Klassic Costume in the PlayStation 3 version of Mortal Kombat (2011). Seems Xbox 360 owners are out of luck on this...
  16. MysticOracle

    Mortal Kombat blu ray release 4-19-2011 with extras

    both movies are being released on Blu-ray along side of the video games on April 19th, 2011. An extra bonus is that these editions will contain exclusive codes to unlock a Jade Klassic Costume in the PlayStation 3 version of Mortal Kombat (2011). Seems Xbox 360 owners are out of luck on this...
  17. MysticOracle

    One Man takes On 12 Cops and tries to Verbally Humiliate the Black Cop

    e1WU-W9Ss5s sounds like hank hill to me. haha wiggerism lol
  18. MysticOracle

    Mortal Kombat Rebirth to Become Web Series

    Last night Bloody Disgusting broke the news that the well received Mortal Kombat Rebirth short film is being made into an online web-series. Bloody Disgusting has an excellent track record for Mortal Kombat film related news, as they were the ones who broke the news of the Rebirth script being...
  19. MysticOracle

    Mortal Kombat HD arcade Kollection

    anyone heard of this? its basically MK1, MK2 and Ultimate MK3 visually remastered in High Definition its been rumored for a few months now...Game stop had it set for a November 2010 release...then it was removed...than it was supposed to be released again in December. now it is said that it...
  20. MysticOracle

    hey SAVAGE