gangsta life offical 20 fucking songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lots of well done tracks with alot of different styles ending with aint no love by agerman.playa p and d boy
any other mobb house fans??????????????
when beware of those the movie first came out.....i always thought that it was a pretty good film...for a rapper or any one
remeber when mac mall go's..."i dont even like rap"...haha funny....or when guce shoots him in the u like that movie i think it was a good joint
the giant still gotta 'the'goods
if he never went church he might have ruled this unda bay shit
as it iz he iz still a major talent
i dare u to hear gold grill...that 1 is amazing
any thoughts
it was produced by some man named jeff gray,,,,,any one???????????????? the point iz i want u guys to drop some lesser knowen cuts by bay champs like i do....any one have examples like interested to see your pics
its got a grip of really cheap but amazing sounding of them is it dont cost a dime....i think many moe is a rapper on there has this one extremly mobb dirty sounding song that i do yowder too.....the point is i dont know the comps name but mayyn its wayy too tough...any...
it came out in feb o8 and he was cool as ever do u like him...what are other peoples thoughts on him...i luv him,,,,his loud attitude raps are me the fact that funk mobb never had a 2nd cd was one of the worst things that ever happened in the history of bay rap
be killin me they are 1 of the most amazing things in pop culture me they are my ac dc or stones or led top was released this summer...and to me proved that they havent lost their edge at all....taydatay might be 1 of my alltime fav people...sooooooooooo cool
god freakin damn les g is sooo grimmy...but very talented...just cause he aint rich dont mean he aint got the goods,,,,he and lil dank have done some gangsterrefic cuts....also he was there with guce in the start of his carrer...and catch a slug and every body die by taydatay are undenieable...
j mack his loud over the top raps are one of the greatest things ive ever seen in rap.....his style iz not a gimmick he just go crazy
did u ever here hall of fame?....pretty well done cut
taylor made off of crime rate 2k2 iz ill....
i aint playin with yuckmouth is wayyy out of control...
those cats are ill..............i think that they are freakin fresh,,,,there shit on myspace blows my mind.....any fans?????????????holler with thoughts
my man stevie d....i dare u to go bump sometimes i wish...just insane beat....also his potent c where the fuck iz he?????/
yall aint knowing bout his young flav beats...damn he is a idol of mine
i just wanted to know if any bay fans loved x-files by jt
that cut is a alltime fav of mine...why? cause the feel and style of that song has never been done since any 1 else feel that?