Im'a post some C-Stud Vill videos since it hasn't been done by anyone. So here we go.
Austin was the #2 growing cities in the US in 2010 and 2012. We now are #14 for most congested traffic in a city. I believe. I deal with this type of crap on a day to day basis. It's bad enough I have to live here in Austin. Especially now with F1 Racing.
Transportation leaders meet to discuss...
Crime has gone way up in Austin. (My City)
Findings released in APD gun violence report |
I was watching Beyond Scared Straight last night and Dontayveon is a thief. Ciale looks like Justin Beiber. Davontea does drugs. That's sad. Toby is a fighter and a combatant. Toby is defiant. I like that, don't you?
Beyond Scared Straight S03E13 - Video Dailymotion
He had some dope stuff which I can't seem to find anywhere. If anyone knows please answer. I tried hard with no luck. I'm not sure if M-80 who had an album in 2006 on CDBaby is the same artist? If he's on twitter, tell me.