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  1. I AM


    ok, this is going to sound weird comin from me but i just talked to someone who told me more shit about myself than I could remember. Things that i haven't thought about in 15 years. The guy told me that it's like air, we are all connected by a force (energy). We all give off energy and...
  2. I AM

    drug runners aka our gov't

    my boy's sister is goin out with an ex-dea agent, now swat....he said he's seen hundreds of pounds of bud come across the border of canada and the us...and he's seen then putting coke on a plane and bringin it in that's fucked up! tax dollars spent well :confused:
  3. I AM


    I was thinking about this this weekend and we consider Al Queda (sp?) to be a terrorist group because they attacked our country. Well, how often has the US attacked other countries? If you think about it, our country is a big ass terrorist organization...The people of the country pay taxes...
  4. I AM

    new red door records compilation

    i got my copy dropped off to me this weekend...i gotta say that so far it's heat....that crytical song is heat, i think i've heard it in the past...ferocious is heat like i expected....stone cold is the fuckin cut, this beat and the verses are heat...the skunt and notes song is tight...skunt...
  5. I AM

    closed minded?

    okay, i see a lot of people on here who are religious and every single time someone who doesn't believe in god makes a comment they say, "you're just closed minded" or some weak ass arguement like that. I don't think it's necessarily being closed minded, I think it could be knowing what you...
  6. I AM

    Young Droop in the 206?

    Yep, been doin songs for the new GG albums. Also went to UTR...Syko and YGD are doin a group album...AND....I heard that Mak Produkt is bein' sold at Sam Goody and Silver Platters... for more info check out hurtlock's thread on raptalk's NW forum...
  7. I AM


    The Wait Is Over Mak Produkt Is Here Make Your Money Orders Out To Salih And Send Them To GettinGreedy Records P.O. Box 209 Lynnwood, Wa 98046. Mak Produkt is $15...Pay Pal is being worked on and there WILL be a deal for anyone that buys Dirty Money and Mak Produkt.
  8. I AM

    151-Code of Tha Street

    151 "Code of tha Street" West Coast Mafia 2003 1. WCM (intro)- Mix of songs over a beat…Tight little into.8/10 2. Chop It- This is a tight cut. Talks about putting in work and shit. 151 spits heat over the beat. This is one of the tightest songs on the album in my opinion. 9/10 3. It’s Like...
  9. I AM

    anyone tried.....

    the skip doctor stuff for cds? my home boy has one and let me use it on my Full Time Soldiers album and my Dosia album....the FTS hasn't played since like 2000 and Dosia has been soundin like shit for about a year.....but now they sound brand new....been bumpin the old school FTS shit constantly....
  10. I AM

    NEW Gettin Greedy featuring someone from Street Level?

    Oh yeah....."If" features, Greedy BD, Hurtlock, Gummz, T Macn, Notes, and Mak One...This shit is straight heat. It will be online sometime soon for sample listening...I think this is one of the sickest verses Notes has ever spit....Everyone on this track KILLED IT.
  11. I AM

    Syko albums....

    I'm just wondering, did anyone get their new album(s) yet? Last I heard nobody had received anything....and I still haven't either.....
  12. I AM

    stocking stuffers?

    are we gonna see any for this x-mas?
  13. I AM

    25 K

    good shit.....25,000 posts.....that's a lot.....congrats to SLR and everyone that contributes in here :classic:
  14. I AM

    tech verse?

    How much is Tech charging for a verse? My boy Hurtlock from Gettin Greedy Records was interested but doesn't have access to the internet, so I told him I'd find out.....Thanks for any info...
  15. I AM

    new hats.....

    with area codes....I was in yakima today and I saw a Mariners hat with "206" on the front.....They had a Boston Celtics hat and a Yankees hat as well, but the M's hat was a must buy....Anyone else seen these? I tried to find a pic online but I wasn't successful....
  16. I AM

    Mafia a.k.a. Skuntdunanna "The Streetz Iz Enough" Review

    Mafia a.k.a. Skuntdunanna Review by: Sixxness | Mafia a.k.a. Skuntdunanna "The Streetz Iz Enough" Street Level Records 2003 Exec Producers: Mafia & D-Sane 1. This Is a Test- Computer voice talking about a test... 5/10 2. Intro- Pretty tight intro...It's almost two minutes long of rappin'...
  17. I AM

    commercial vs. gangsta/other

    just thought i'd ask.....which one do you like better? NW shit only..... personally i think that most of the commercial shit is wack as fuck......there's only about 3-5 exeptions...... i think the best music comin from the NW is the gangsta/other GG, SLR, and UTR....
  18. I AM

    Mafia a.k.a. Skuntdunanna "The Streetz Iz Enough" Review

    Finally did it.... Mafia a.k.a. Skuntdunanna "The Streetz Iz Enough" Review by: Sixxness | Street Level Records 2003 Exec Producers: Mafia & D-Sane 1. This Is a Test- Computer voice talking about a test... 5/10 2. Intro- Pretty...