If you are using Fl studio, what do yall use on the Master slot when you are done with the beat and trying to make some final touches? I use a multiband compressor, a multiband EQ, and I'm starting to try and use a limiter. What VSTs do yall use?
a shitty taste in music.Everytime I kick it with some of my norte homies, theyre bumping some weak ass norte rap,no big tone or that high quality shit,shit that sounds like it was recorded in a kareoke machine.I know some of yall aint like this but I think thats why this shit aint going nowhere...
I wonder if some of yall rappers that post on here could hook it up with acapellas so I can mix em with my beats........Thanks in advance
PS:Look in my sig for examples of my beats
in the head.He owns a clothing line that "glorifies" gang life