for those that have the real deal you tell by the disc..
all but dayton family have sample tracks press play..
i been busy new auction coming soon..
we should get a vote going and have people submit cd covers and have a vote for the best album cover. i got a few i really like. i'm sure ya'll do to. but it can't be no average covers. they gotta be special.
i filed the claim as you guys know for the bitch that sold me a fake mr ivan cd that he made from his computer. this bitch offered me to drop the claim a penny. .01 yeah 1 cent.. so i didn't even go back on to pay pal to even accept that punk ass what does pay pal do. they dropped the...
this seller ironcro sold me a burnt copy of mr ivan. i know that it was a cdr press by mr ivan but he sent a fake copy of the copy. this is what he pictured in his auction.
this is what he sent me
he won one of my auctions on dec 14. on the 28th he emailed me saying he never received cd. we all know around christmas it might take a little longer for shipping to france. but hes the only one that didn't receive there item. and he filed a never received item dispute. he was...
he only knows the ring code cuzz its on the front of the cd.
plus looking at the disc it looks like a cdr. i got the og and the disc paint is alot darker. plus he's not sure as listed in auction.