i have a 96 accord, and the leather seats are burnt and cracked...i've never really fucked with junkyards in the past, but would it be hard to find replacement seats to buy off a wrecked accord??? and about how much would i have to pay?? any suggestions?
whattup fellas...just got a dui and i'm trying to make a little cash to soften the blow...i'm trying to sell my 80 gb ipod that's loaded to the brim with bay area rap, i have pretty much every bay cd you could think of on there...all the shit's labeled, tagged, and the vast majority has album...
I'm doing a presentation on the hostage situation...i am supposed to specifically cover the controversy surrounding the decision to allow the detainees to sell their stories to the media....
does anybody have links to pertinent articles, youtubes, or anything that would help me with my...
two years ago, i was riding to so cal with a female friend of mine when she lost control of her car and it flipped a couple times. my hand pretty much went through the passenger window, and all the skin on the middle part of my right middle finger got ripped off, you could see the bone/tendon...
my homie since we were knee high just started taking his shit serious...
maybe i'm biased, but "chop" is the hardest shit i've heard in a minute...add my homie as a friend and spread the word...he's about to come up
what is the name of that clee & drankalot song that was on the radio a few years back. i think it may have had yuk on it too...what cd was that on???? i know it definately wasn't on their cd "good lawd that's a lot of drank"....i know somebody can help me out, thanks folks....
where's some good places to get jordans/bapes/AF's online?? i don't care if they're fake, as long as theyre real cheap. here's a couple i found:
what are some good, reliable and cheap distributers????
how do you make it so the other player can't see what play you pick...my homie cheaaaaaats. i got a modded xbox with a burnt game, so no game manual. how can you hide the play u pick? thanks folks...
Does anybody know a place where you can download TV shows for free? I wanted to get the prison break episodes and also, i wanted to check out that show lost, i haven't seen that yet and i heard it was good.
dc++ hub? torrents? anywhere?
what's a song where too short says his signature "BITCH!" real clearly, with very minimal noise in the background???? can anybody help me with that sound byte??? thanks....
im about to buy a 360 off ebay...is there anything i should confirm before doing so???? should i make sure that it's not the first wave of models or something like that. is there anything i should ask, besides "is it new?" thanks folks.
my little homie is turning 1 next week. i was gonna get him some fresh little baby kicks, but im tryin to get him something that'll last him more than 2 months. he's real advanced for one...already walking, and starting to talk. what's a good gift for my little patna?
what the hell does it take to get one?? somebody said that people who already have an account can hook you up...can somebody help me out, at least point me in the right direction??