Big b&Bohnnafied(bohn) relased cd called tighter than talibans
few years ago bút seville wasent on that cd..Does anybody know did seville relase any solo material after gk album??
If somebody gots these for sale.I am intrested to buy these albums from u.
c.c.a.-For tha streetz vol 2
C.c.a.-undrgroung thug shit(1997-99) vol 1
c.c.a.-one life 2 live
midwest thug niggaz compilation album
Brothas most wanted-faces of death
Big 50-aint no turning back
211-hustlin pays the bills
I need to know some groups/artists from the area.
I have been bangin c.c.a.&1st batallion but i would like to hear more similar goodshit from this area.So could somebody give me some info about some hardcore/classic albums from Gary that i should get...thanks
Can somebody help me and send Ringcodes for these cd"s (
2-11:ounce of game
Murder inc:Playing for keeps
Seagram:Reality check