just got some new beat for my ride and putting together tracks that make the truck rattle like dru down- can u feel me , rbl-bounce to this, little help thanks
got a homie that likes roger and zapp , i was looking for bay songs that have talk box in it, i found a couple, 2 lee majors and ad kapone, gangster dre. Are there anymore??
are they still comming out this month? when i was a little kid moms wouldnt buy then for me, coast hella, i got a couple bucks saved up and want too pick them up
havent seen any buddy talk bout this album on here.I think its one of the better albums to come out in a while.I thought it was going to be a.v.g. More then half the album is tight.what u all think?
its been a min since i bought some sac cds. been trying to get back in it. What top 5 should i pick up?? i already got lynch, x raided, takin no shorts