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  1. Siccx Degree

    Logo I hooked up...

    Here is a logo I did for "The Tazz Union" lemme know whatchu think...
  2. Siccx Degree

    Weird ass Michael Jackson fans....

    I was going through the gamefaqs message board and I came across this shit this shit is just plain funny, I hope the owner of that site isnt serious, that shit is just weird....
  3. Siccx Degree

    Looking back on school....

    I was sittin back today thinking about how fucked up my whole run at School was, and how I had no other choice but to drop out due to my lack of "motivation to perform" and I thinking back, I hated school, but some things were still good, like P.E. in 9th grade taking peeks into the girls locker...
  4. Siccx Degree

    Action Figures...

    who here besides me collects action figures, I been collecting (not playing with) since I was 9 or 10 and still havnt stoped, recently Ive almost finished my "Spawn: The Samurai Wars" collection, these things are not toys, they are like mini statues, fine pieces of art work, meant to be enjoyed...
  5. Siccx Degree

    opinions on new sig...

    which one should I use, the current "Pinhead" one or this new one I recently did:
  6. Siccx Degree

    New WinAmp Skins...

    Some of my new skins have recently been uploaded to, check em out lemme know whatchu think.... here:;$sessionid$T5XKITJGW2QYK5YAAAARCZY?searchTerm=Siccx+Degree&categoryName=&offset=0&howMany=20
  7. Siccx Degree

    Elder Scrolls Morrowind

    This game is amazing, I been playin this shit since I got it last week, stayin up till 4 am and shit like that, its a very open ended RPG that defitnetly blows the shit out any of the more "traditional" RPG's out, maybe even the Final Fantasy series, if you have a XBOX this game is a must! For...
  8. Siccx Degree

    Stone Cold Steve Austin Beats His Wife

    I have had enough of the "rumors" of Stone Cold Steve Austin, and the incident of him abusing his wife, so I took it upon myself to verify this story on my own by contacting KMOL Channel 4 (NBC Affiliate) in San Antonio, Texas...This is what I found out - I contacted KMOL and spoke to an editor...
  9. Siccx Degree

    if you could bring back any old cartoon into a movie......

    fuck scooby, if they wanted to bring back a old cartoon based on a movie I say let it be GI Joe, I wanna see the almighty army of Cobra and its Ruler Cobra Commander in live action, also Storm shadow the Cobra Assassin doing some Ninja shit on the bitch ass Joes would be spectacular....
  10. Siccx Degree

    Check out my brothers site

    tryin to get more hits and people to check out the store so we can collect funds for his son, got good libary of pics and whatnot, also a book is in the works that will feature my brothers many works among other things, dont sleep on it check this shit out!
  11. Siccx Degree

    The Siccness Hotel Room *chat Program*

    Go to Click Let's Go Make an account Search for the rom: The Siccness Join in and have fun! its basically a chat thing but you have lil lego people as you and you can walk around and shit, if you have credits you can buy furniture n whatnot, I found this shit on another...
  12. Siccx Degree

    Lynch WinAmp skin finally up on

    for those that had problems with it bein sent in the email, its finally up at, you can snatch it up here to check out my other skins just search my name "Siccx Degree" under skins or here...
  13. Siccx Degree

    some funny shit

    some funny comic strips this site has some of the funniest comic strips I seen in awhile, check that shit out here is some shit from the site some real funny comic strips....
  14. Siccx Degree

    wrestling these days...

    is it just me or has wwe programing been horrible lately, only thing that I like is Rock bein gone this long, with matches like "loser shaves his head" and a new member of the nwo every week its turning into wcw, and with rumors of goldberg being signed its almost a definte turn to wcw, isnt...
  15. Siccx Degree

    Problems With "The Siccness Mail"

    for some reason Im not recieving any new messages on my account, I had a few other people send me some mail just to make sure and I never got it, Has anyone else had this problem, and is there a way that this can be fixed?
  16. Siccx Degree

    A couple of banners...

    I made these for people to link to my site with, if anyone wants to use one for that purpose feel free to.... &
  17. Siccx Degree

    NATAS Godlike album cover redid

    I redid the cover, The original one is alright but there is something cheap to it that I dont feel.... the original one is this while the one I did is attatched, lemme know whatchu think....