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  1. Big E

    Battle Me!!!

    If you think you hot get at it fuckers!!!
  2. Big E

    What is the best site to learn about Production?

    I always use but where do yall go?
  3. Big E

    Tech should flow to this beat..... He would sound good to the hi hats.
  4. Big E

    Studio Technicians Paradise!!!! This is a place that you can go to buy sell trade or give away equipment and talk to producers across the nation, really anything studio related.
  5. Big E

    Does anyone know?

    where I can buy woofers and amps to make monitors and if they already have pre made enclosures out there?
  6. Big E


    I'm broke as hell and had to pawn my KRK V8's 6 mo. ago so my wife and kids could have a place to lay they're heads and couldn't afford to get them out. I've been without monitors for 6 fucking months The Headphone shit is old and I'm losing touch with my beat making skills. What is the best...
  7. Big E

    Anyone from wyoming?

    Holla at me.
  8. Big E

    Is Tech comin back to Casper?

    Let me know if u do, I wanna get the time off.
  9. Big E

    Got a new flow I want yall to hear!!!! let me know what you think
  10. Big E

    New SuperManning Let me know what you think
  11. Big E

    Judge Rules On Dead Deer Sex OMG!!!

    Man who had relations with animal carcass must stand trial NOVEMBER 22-- A Wisconsin man who argued that he could not be prosecuted for having sex with a deer because the animal was dead at the time, was dealt a legal setback today when a judge rejected a motion seeking dismissal of a criminal...
  12. Big E

    People up in here are too judgemental

    I've seen posts from videogames to anna nicole smith but I post about bipolar disorder and it gets shutdown because it don't relate to Tech? whatever.
  13. Big E

    That Bipolar thread was not talking shit!!!!!

    Like I said, I was diagnosed with it and when I started looking at the symptoms, I saw a lot of them in Tech. I was somewhat psyco-analyzing Tech, but not in a bad way. Hell "In my Head" he basically gives it away. That's why I've always been up on Tech's shit, cuz I can relate to the siccness...
  14. Big E

    Tech N9ne and Fans are Bipolar!!!!

    I did some research cuz I was diagnosed with this ish, and this is what I found: 1. At times I am much more talkative or speak much faster than usual. Not at all Just a little Somewhat Moderately Quite a lot Very much:dead: 2. There have been times when I was much more active or did...
  15. Big E

    What is ya'lls Favorite Post?

    I've been poppin' in and out of this forum for going on 3 years now. Mostly to post a beat or a song that I want feedback on, cuz only in this forum I can get unbiased constructive criticism. If my ish is good yall tell me, if it is bad, trust me yall will tell me. But one thing I know I can...
  16. Big E

    New Beat....

    Feel Free to DL but if you use it give a shout out to SuperManning in Casper WY
  17. Big E

    You gotta hear this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Big E

    Anyone wanna Collabo?

    This is the song if you have a studio, hit it up and post a copy for all of us to check pit to check out
  19. Big E

    Another Tight beat for ya'll to copp

    Just be sureto tell me if it is hot which I know it is but please give feedback!!!!!
  20. Big E

    Stuff Nobody Cares About

    Alright I overhauled "Dangerous" again, I remade the beat and I think quality is much better, Let me know what yall think.