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  1. X

    what should be my temps for my computer

    my gpu temp is 57 c cpu temp is 75 internal temp is 55 are those good temps
  2. X

    convertx2dvd question

    at first i use to get like 80-100 frames per im convertin like at 20fps any ideas why it might be doing so slow now
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    trying to go to vegas on a budget

    fuck i happen to be broke when all my friends are going to vegas on friday....i only have to give the person 20 for gas...i dont have to pay for the room....would i be able to get buy with 150 dollars.....and have a good time....
  4. X

    patrick swayze & big-robo roast! Two, Two, Two Threads in One!!

    damn dude is going through it
  5. X

    how many of yall get into wit yo baby momma

    I swear i love my daughter to death but i cant stand the fuck out my baby momma..i know im not the only one that goes through shit in here
  6. X

    im drunk and i put together

    some eggs and chedeso and bacon..used the bacon fat and cooked tator tots in the fat....i put sour cream on top took some doritos and mashed them up and mixed it all together and now im eating it with white taste pretty fucking good dad came in the kitchen he was like what in...
  7. X

    what the fuck is com surrgate

    some shit keeps popping up on my computer..does anyone know what the fuck that is
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    going to watsonvillie

    what should i hit up im going to be down there for the weekend
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    lol i thought i was passed out

    ...i walk outside to see my brother passed out in a whole bunch of bushes..with his 2 pits...and i said u heard someone breating hard...and he said whoops my bad and fell alseep i thought i was drunk
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    i feel sorry for dude when he gets his ass whooped
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    drunk as fuck

    yes off the 5th of henn and nemerous dranks th at the bowling alley....i dont know right now i aint took a break in drinking in a year......its ok cuz 3 more hours will be doin it again good night
  12. X

    what was yall favorite show as a kid

    mine was family matters hands down...
  13. X

    trying to lose 20 to 30 pounds

    well im a little on the heavy side im 5'9 weighing 240 im trying to get down to 210 maybe 200 if i drink,smoke cigs,drink soda,and i usually eat alot at night,i dont work basically im in bad shape....if i cut any of these out will i see a difference
  14. X

    r.i.p. to my homeboys

    any of yall got pics or say rip right here fo yo boys... r.i.p darryl porter.... r.i.p dko....deondre marzette r.i.p shawnny dogg
  15. X

    whats everyone computer specs

    i swear it seems like day by day u can upgrade i got a dual core 2.9 ghz 2 gigs of ram a 250hd and geforce 8600 24 inch viewsonic 2 dvd rw running on windows shitty vista
  16. X

    what good movies have yall seen lately...

    just wondering.....i just seen taken that shit was coo
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    have yall drank this joose

    its coo i like it but after like 3 i feel always sick...but im fucked up
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    fuck sallie mae

    these mutha fuckas is some 100,000 dollars in debt fuck culinary school..fuck the le cordon bleu seriously...they call every phone number they can.....all they want is money...
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    getting a restricted license

    does anyone know about getting one...
  20. X

    dvd burning problem

    i got a liteon dvd player...and for about the past couple of days my burning stops at 1 percent and it says command sequence error...has anyone had this before...