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  1. ConstantElevation

    How to Read Faster and Recall More

    Haven't used it personally, so don't get mad at me if it doesn't work for you. The book is by Gordon Wainright. Might be helpful to those doing a lot of reading, or in college. Just uploaded it, enjoy.
  2. ConstantElevation

    Wasabi Mod Chip

    I ordered the Wasabi Wii Mod Chip yesterday, and I'm reading the installation directions PDF from the website. It has the directions put out, but I have a problem, they have different directions for different version of the Wii Console. DMS, D2A, D2B, & D2C. Haven't opened up the Wii yet, but...
  3. ConstantElevation

    Best/Cheapest Online Website for Joypad converters?

    I lost San Andreas for my Xbox, so I went and downloaded it. Everything works fine, except there's no audio in cutscenes and there's no radio, which is no problem because I just put on subtitles, and for music, I just use my own library. The bitch is with the controls, I can't use a keyboard for...
  4. ConstantElevation

    They need to bring The Rock back...

    Rock is clownin.... j-xnTDiQmFA
  5. ConstantElevation

    Getting "Connectable" on my torrent client.

    I need help to get "connectable" on Azureus so I can download/share torrents easier. I notice that I can download, but my upload rate sucks, which means I don't get a good download rate later, because my computer isn't sending back any info.... Anyone done this before, and know what to do?
  6. ConstantElevation

    The world's largest flat-screen TV

    TV Innovations Rule CES 2008 Mon Jan 7, 2008 6:53PM EST It's the elephant in the living room: Panasonic's 150-inch plasma has all but stolen the show here at CES 2008. When people ask you "What's the coolest thing you've seen at the show so far?" they invariably follow that up with "Except for...
  7. ConstantElevation


  8. ConstantElevation

    Dirty glasses in hotels.
  9. ConstantElevation

    Ipod Video Hacks/Mods

    I recently got my hands on an Ipod Video and I've heard about hacks/firmware. But I've also heard about it fucking with your iPod and maybe even bricking it. Anyone used a mod, and knows it's legit?
  10. ConstantElevation

    Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

    Have any of you read this book? Just got finished reading it a couple days ago & found it somewhat enlightening in a way..... Those who have, what did you think?
  11. ConstantElevation

    Modded Wii bricks?

    I was considering modding my Nintendo Wii, but I was wondering about how Nintendo might send an update to brick my Wii. Is there any websites out there test for this? I've heard some people say they've modded and updated with no problem.... and others have said it has...
  12. ConstantElevation

    Free Super Smash Brothers Brawl Demo

    If you own a Nintendo Wii and were looking forward to Super Smash Brothers Brawl, you probably know that the release date got pushed back to Feb. 2008. Right now there's an ongoing petition of whether or not Nintendo should release a demo of Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Those of you who have a...
  13. ConstantElevation

    Free Nintendo Wii Jackets
  14. ConstantElevation

    U.S. Soldier: 'I Was Ordered to Murder Unarmed Iraqi'

    U.S. Soldier: 'I Was Ordered to Murder Unarmed Iraqi' Associated Press September 28, 2007 A U.S. soldier broke down in tears Thursday as he testified that he was ordered to shoot an unarmed Iraqi man, and that his sergeant laughed and told the...
  15. ConstantElevation

    50 cent will not retire

    50 Cent is facing retirement after being beaten by rival Kanye West in the pair's chart battle. The hip-hop stars both released their third studio albums on Tuesday (11.09.07), and Kanye's 'Graduation' is currently outselling 50's 'Curtis' by over 200,000 copies, when figures are added together...
  16. ConstantElevation

    Germany getting Crunk?

    the fuck? mkfqGE7YWdo
  17. ConstantElevation

    Best place to sell used Console and games?

    Where or what is the best place to sell your old video game gear?
  18. ConstantElevation

    Programs that crop audio?

    Any suggestions for a program that can crop the audio you want out of a mp3?
  19. ConstantElevation

    what a fuckin trip...

    I was looking at the sky just now.... I saw a plane in the darkness as usual. I saw a red light zip past the plane for 2 seconds. Then the entire sky was illuminated for 5 seconds, but there was no sound....
  20. ConstantElevation

    Sundown Town
