Hum- you'd prefer an astronaut ... check out that album it is great.
Catherine Wheel - Ferment is probably their best work ...Happy Days, and Chrome are great too. They have more than that but that is all I have. The song Black Metallic on Ferment is a masterpiece IMO.
yeah jesse please up it... i saw them open the first family values tour in 99 and the few tracks i have heard from them were cool but i dont know much more than that either... i remember a tight cover of blue monday by them and maybe one other.
November 27, 2006 at 1:15 pm
Update and Statement on Roddy Pipers Health
Mr. Piper and his family would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support of well wishes he has recieved world wide. Roddy has been diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer. He will begin his battle...
id go with countdown..., rust..., and cryptic writings, which isnt as metal as the older stuff, but i can still listen to the whole thing front to back.
throw me on the cant stand list. its funny how every band someone doesnt like has a song that they do tho...i find myself semi-groovin to this is how you remind me on occasion if it happens to be on at work or something.
yeah man, it was totally worth the money. i actually have been wanting it for a while and won it on ebay for about 20 bucks less than i would have anywhere else so i was hella stoked. its been on non-stop rotation in my car.