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  1. I. Cold


    the beginning and the end is gonna be dope.. not to be confused with alpha and omega, beginning and the end will be released shortly.. and I thought alpha and omega was fucking terrible.
  2. I. Cold

    suns fuckin shit up

    I know its only the preseason, but damn.... this is a good indicator of how the season will turn out.. and yall will be eatin your own shit when they win the championship.
  3. I. Cold


    finally, the best rapper from the midwest (in my opinion) is gonna release his CD pretty soon. check out his site
  4. I. Cold

    kobe bryant gets put on blast AGAIN
  5. I. Cold

    Conceptual blockbusting

    anyone ever read this book? I got about half way through it.. I was suppose to have already read it by now.. actually, I gotta turn in a report about it tomorrow. so uh... anyone wanna tell me what its about?
  6. I. Cold

  7. I. Cold

    yankees vs REDSOX

    we all know this is the best rival in the mlb. once again, they're goin at it to get to the WS. I want boston to win cuz I hate the yankees, but I think the yanks will take it. what do yall think?
  8. I. Cold

    Bizzy Bone fans, Must Peep!!!!

    No, it wasnt the retial version, and this is a fact. Bizzy's manager made a statement a couple days ago saying that it was NOT the mastered version that leaked onto the internet. You can tell too. Listen to I Understand. Listen to the beat.. then, if you can find it, download the clip of the...
  9. I. Cold

    Bizzy Bone fans, Must Peep!!!!

    I been hearin terrible things about the album. havent got a chance to listen to it myself. anyone wanna hook me up?
  10. I. Cold

    bush/kerry, bush/gore

    with the Bush Gore election being the closested election in american history, do you think the 04 election will be closer, not nearly as close, or just about the same?
  11. I. Cold

    that new do ro die track with kanye west

    I think the song would be alright if it werent for the chorus. that chorus is booty. they shoulda got JP to sing the hook. and yeah, kanye's verse sucks. but the beat, and dod's verses are dope
  12. I. Cold

    that new do ro die track with kanye west

    how are they sellouts? and why did you lose respect for them? cuz they hooked up with kanye? its all chicago love, man. they been cool since day one. and kanye makes some hot beats believe it or not. why wouldnt do or die let kanye cook up a couple beats for them?
  13. I. Cold

    Graveyard Shift - Still Waters

    that wasnt the cover to Still Waters.. that was the Mo Thug Family Scriptures CD insert.. I'll scan the shit real quick, hold up.
  14. I. Cold

    Anyone watch the debate?

    I only caught the last 4 minutes cuz I had class.. can someone give me a NONBIASED summary of the debate?
  15. I. Cold

    Graveyard Shift - Still Waters

    ya I dunno where you got that pic from, but tombstones the only dead one. where's my proof? kneight riduz. kneight riduz (they suck) constists of Sin, Gates, Lareece, Krayzie Bone, and I have no idea who the 5th member is. Gates never got killed. I havent even heard a rumor about it. and the...
  16. I. Cold

    that new do ro die track with kanye west

    Can U Make it Hot was on BET and MTV a lot
  17. I. Cold

    Graveyard Shift - Still Waters

    nah.. go cop yourself a copy of the first Mo Thug album. poetic hustlaz is boogie nike, mo hart, and toney tone. graveyard shift is tombstone (RIP), Sin, and Gates. Tombstone got blasted in a driveby in 97 in front of his baby's mama's house. after that, the group seperated and are apart of...
  18. I. Cold

    Graveyard Shift - Still Waters

    I have one of the FEW original copies of this album (no, not the burned CDs). one of the best albums to come out of the Bone camp.
  19. I. Cold

    kerry needs to dominate the debate cuz as you can see ^^, things are lookin grim for him. bush is winning by a fair margin. how much influence do you guys think this debate will have on voters? you think it can sway 1-5%, 5-10%, or more?