there has been a lot of quality albums comin out cham,wayne,bunb,b legit,paulwall, just to name a quick few and the mixtapes have been crazy its great..
i used to luv that old lil wayne shit back n the day then i lost interrest in him labeling him as a weak commercial rapper but this boys freestyles off the chain he spits fire
a 2 take freestyle i did blowed out my mind sound like a half ass devin the dude lol im all tryna sing lol
whos heard this its a cool ass intro for those who havent heard him that adrenailine rush track is 2sicc
dj whoo kid n them r gonna get bank off cham by just re realeseing his old shit cuz he has mixtape material for days lol dammm this is the perfect time for him to go major for real the...