i imagine soundclick took it down because they are bitches like that somrtimes.....i didnt even get any of the fuckin songs either....as Moe From The 3 Stooges Would Say "what a brain"
i was diggin rougish ways another one id give 4 outta 5.
DWAM 8 fuckin bucks?? SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT thats fuckin cheap, whats the shipping charges on those
i dont think this is trajiiks new style, but hell i could be wrong since he's more "street" now........all i know is this shit was recorded about 6 months ago if im not mistaken. and the last i knew the song was called "In Due Time"....i dont KNOW trajik all that well, met him a few...
Check Out My Man 3rd Degree With This Summer Time Banger "So Sexy"
Give My Man A Listen........Feedback is Welcome!!!