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  1. Boogie The Mann

    Anyone going to the 125th AES Convention in Frisco???

    I just got a free pass thru sweetwater cuz i order alot of shit from them...Im excited about going to this.This should be fun with probably lots of free demos and shit...for those who dont know what this convention is,heres a link...its gonna be at the moscone Center.
  2. Boogie The Mann

    Anybody Buy any A's Tickets for $1.01 each this morning?

    101-year-old record falls, get tickets for $1.01 Brad Ziegler has smashed the record for career-starting scoreless innings set 101 years ago. The record of 25 was previously set by George McQuillan in 1907. Zeigler's streak began on May 30, 2008 when he made his Major League debut. He broke...
  3. Boogie The Mann

    Boogie The Mann Presents Violent Magic Mixed By DJ Mark 7 Droppin Soon!!!!

    Violent magic The Pre-Show Dropping soon.Only 3 Features- Moses Soulright(chorus) Santa Rosa's Droop The Goon(verses) and Sav Scorsese(chorus).19 joints,16 original beats,3 industry beats all mixed by DJ Mark 7.Touch ups on mixdowns is underway then mastering then to press.In my area theres alot...
  4. Boogie The Mann

    Stooie Bros,Boogie The Mann and More June 21st!!!

    Plus Capone-E Hawaii Yay Hittaz,Da Problem and more...... June 21st at the Hypnotic Lounge in Glendale.Show will be crackin....
  5. Boogie The Mann


  6. Boogie The Mann

    Jeff Hardys House(Double Wide Trailer) Burns Down.

    WWE star Jeff Hardy's home in Cameron, North Carolina burned to the ground last night -- the same week he was suspended for 60 days for failing his second drug test! He lost all his possessions, and his dog perished in the blaze. According to legendary wrestling commentator Jim Ross' website...
  7. Boogie The Mann

    Ace Mac...

    Yah,there is also a Ace Mac from Sac...
  8. Boogie The Mann

    Petaluma's Phoenix Theater Cancels all "Hyphy/Gangster" Rap Shows!!!

    Takin from todays Press Democrat..... Phoenix Theater cancels rap concerts By PAUL PAYNE THE PRESS DEMOCRAT Petaluma’s Phoenix Theater is canceling gangster-style rap concerts following a fight last month in which a teenager was arrested outside with a loaded gun, officials said...
  9. Boogie The Mann

    Boogie The Mann Presents.....The Chocolate River Mixtape/Comp.Free d/l

    This is my second movie Themed mixtape I made.This one is themed from the Willy Wonka movie which means it contains many,many samples from the movie.Most if not all of the production is original and all of the features are all my different musical homies rapping and production.This here is free...
  10. Boogie The Mann

    Balt @ Pitt Thread

    Holmes barely just got that touchdown...penalties is killin Baltimore..
  11. Boogie The Mann

    Boogie The Mann,Starski,Jack Tracks Live In Petaluma nov 24th!!!Plus many more

    Its goin down.My first performance since gettin outta jail.Im feelin good bout it.A lot of my homies like Starski,Jack Tracks,Ferenheit ENT. will be there so this should be fun....Hosted by Coach from Coach ENT.
  12. Boogie The Mann

    Petaluma Chase,Police car Smashed up

    Petaluma chase A Sonoma County sheriff's deputy was hit by a car driven by a 16-year-old suspected drunken driver who led police on a chase across Petaluma on Sunday, October 28, 2007. Sonoma Co. Sheriff's Dept.
  13. Boogie The Mann

    Filthy Rich? Outta Richmond shot 15 times last night

    And dude is still alive......Daaaaaaamn.Just heard this on the morning news.Anybody know this or heard of this dude.
  14. Boogie The Mann

    Boogie The Mann-Vintage High Homecoming Video Performance

    I wanted to embed this bad boy but that option cant happen here..........yet.Hopefully yet..Anyway My homie DJ Stallion dj's all of Vintage Highs dances.This is my third time doin something for the school dance.Vintage High is outta Napa.The homecoming was on the Blue and Gold Fleet in the bay...
  15. Boogie The Mann

    Gorilla Zoe In Petaluma Show!!!!

    Along with B Legit and more...
  16. Boogie The Mann

    Studio Sale

    Studio Sale Heres a detailed page at this link These where bought new by my well to do brother-in-law who didn’t know the first thing about studio gear. They sat untouched in his custom built studio for years, some were never even powered up. In any...
  17. Boogie The Mann

    Police say fatal shooting of SR man gang-related

    The fatal weekend shooting of a 19-year-old Santa Rosa man, Andrew Saludes-Smith, occurred outside near a residential intersection in southwest Santa Rosa and is believed to be gang-related, police said Tuesday. After being shot in the chest, Saludes-Smith was driven to Santa Rosa Memorial...
  18. Boogie The Mann

    Boogie The Mann Live Version of "I'm Stoned" Video

    Yah I know the video is big but watch the video...
  19. Boogie The Mann

    Mistah F.A.B. on

    Yall see this video here yet......