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  1. I. Cold

    Bizzy Bone - Revival

    the fuck are you on?
  2. I. Cold

    Bizzy Bone - Revival

    from 1-5 (1 being alpha and omega and 5 being song for you/gift), what do you rate this?
  3. I. Cold

    Finally seen that kat williams pimp chronicles

    Anyone seen this? Its old, but I barely got it yesterday. Shits hella funny. Especially when he clownin on dudes who buy chrysler 300s cuz they look like phantoms. "Nigga, that dont look like a phantom... that looks like a chrysler 300".. What yall think about it?
  4. I. Cold

    For those who own houses

    I'm looking to buy a house within a year and wanna know what's the point of getting a real estate agent? Are they necessary these days? Ive always been under the impression that they find "just the right house" for you. But I hit up and it lays everything out for me. So what are the...
  5. I. Cold

    Who has less loyalty? Players or owners?

    In professional sports, would you say the players possess more loyalty to their team or does an owner possess more loyalty to his players? Taking into account that loyalty from either side is undoubtedly at an all time low, discuss your thoughts on loyalty in professional sports.
  6. I. Cold

    New Z-Ro album

    Zro got a new album comin out in fall called Cracc/Crack 59jI0EtySzE
  7. I. Cold

    Suns get Matt Barnes

    Dont really know much about dude.. from the games Ive seen him play, he seemed pretty solid. Did he start for GS or come off the bench?
  8. I. Cold

    Bone Thugs and Harmony Reunied (Five Strong)

    yeah, young thugs. terrible.
  9. I. Cold

    Boondock Saints 2

    looks like this is FINALLY happening. Its about fucking time! It’s been four months since Troy Duffy announced that a Boondock Saints sequel had officially been given the green light. The video of the announcement was removed...
  10. I. Cold

    Bone Thugs and Harmony Reunied (Five Strong)

    you probably talkin about the video they had to shoot for ruthless for their last contracted album on the label (unreleased hits or some shit). I dont even know the name cuz I didnt care for the album and didnt invest much thought into it. I just knew all 4 (excluding flesh) had to shoot a vid...
  11. I. Cold


    lol lets hope someone talks some sense into them
  12. I. Cold


    there are a bunch of pics of all 5 of them in the studio together.. presumably working on their next album... which Im too embarrassed to say the title of.
  13. I. Cold

    do or die "trunk music"

    damn oh oh oh is some vintage do or die shit.. I love that smooth pimp shit
  14. I. Cold

    5th dawg is loose

    ^yeah, just heard that actually. Any word on what the hold up is about?
  15. I. Cold

    5th dawg is loose

    Flesh-N-Bone got released from his 11 year sentence in prison today. I am looking forward to hearing some vintage flesh music.
  16. I. Cold


    lol@140 dollars for a 5 song ep.. with average songs.
  17. I. Cold

    johnny p

    does anyone have info on his new album? it was slated to drop two years ago. I cant find any info on the net other than his myspace.. the few songs hes put up from the album are off the hook though
  18. I. Cold

    worst sequels ever made

    to throw a few out friday the 13th 5: new chapter (lol@this halloween 3 bride of chucky bad boys 2 house party 2 ring 2 oceans 12 back to the future part 3 but worst sequel of alltime... grudge 2
  19. I. Cold


    DJ Ice is the only thing I need to see to know that I will not be buying or downloading this album.
  20. I. Cold

    Fear Itself

    Has anybody peeped the new horror anthology that NBC has been airing on thursdays? It is OFF THE CHAINS! Mick Garris, the guy that did Masters of Horror for showtime, is putting this one together as well. Same premise as MOH too--getting all the horror masterminds to write and direct the...