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  1. I. Cold

    Shaq gets punked

    By Lou Amundson lol@this shit. shaq and barnes been fuckin with lou all season, hidin his bike (he rides a bike to work) under the rafters, slashin his tires all the time n shit, locking it to the bleachers with a chain. lou got him back. funny shit if you got a minute...
  2. I. Cold

    Twista's Music Is Trash Now!

    same reasons athletes lose their edge once they get their fat contract.
  3. I. Cold


    yall my nuggz is on the southwest ridaz compilation I believe.. which is actually a dope comp. victory or death is on legit ballaz vol 1
  4. I. Cold

    Twista's Music Is Trash Now!

    there were some tight tracks on the day after. adrenaline rush 2010 or whatever the fuck it was called was wack though. I only like a couple songs off that.
  5. I. Cold

    Twista's Music Is Trash Now!

    everything Ive heard so far thats comin from his new album is fire
  6. I. Cold

    Poll: Best Godfather movie

    1, 2, 3? I gotta go with 2. I loved the intertwining stories. It was awesome to see how Don Vito came to power. Second favorite is 1. Not that I dont like 3, it actually has more action than the other two. Its just missing something. Great ending though. Couldnt imagine a better ending.
  7. I. Cold

    Trae feat Krayzie Bone [FIRE]

    I wont change ZlKcg-gZvAo
  8. I. Cold

    Whatever happened to Stagga Lee?

    I always liked the song Roll Wit MVP XMUDgM70ves
  9. I. Cold


    Fire as usual. Doe you murdered that beat. No disrespect to the rest of the group, but you killin em, dog. You need to release a solo.
  10. I. Cold

    What's Up w/Psychodrama?

    Just listened to Magic.. One of the top ten songs outta chi IMO. "other bitches dont like it. [why dat?] Cuz their nigga's all in mine. But if them bitches wanna box, itty bitty bang bang on them hoes with the tech nine."
  11. I. Cold

    twista and bone thugs

    I remember him saying that. They probably kicked the idea around but things just didnt stack up the way they were hoping.
  12. I. Cold

    FLesh N Bone back in the pen

    ya wtf? the gun was at his RESIDENCE? You hear that, people? THE GUN WAS NOT IN THE CAR. Good job jumping to conclusions though.. everyones on some fuck flesh shit and no one even knew who the gun belonged to. Now we know it was at his house.
  13. I. Cold

    FLesh N Bone back in the pen

    What the fuck is a moran? You mean moron? Lol.. What kinda fuckin moron doesnt know how to spell moron?
  14. I. Cold

    FLesh N Bone back in the pen

    yall act like he molested a kid. he got caught riding with a gun which we dont even know to whom it belonged. And yall dont roll with weed on you ever? cmon..
  15. I. Cold

    What's Up w/Psychodrama?

    What album did Magic come out on?
  16. I. Cold

    Halloween 2 teaser poster

    I like it
  17. I. Cold


    Yeah Doe is dope.. like neb said, he aint the next twista but he got heat. Him and his group been around for a minute though. Nothing new.
  18. I. Cold


    nah the one he posted was part 2. Buk raps on both songs. HEAT by the way. I dont know which one I like more. even cams verses were dope.
  19. I. Cold

    New Nash commercial - comedy

  20. I. Cold

    Anyone see I Love You Man?

    Just saw it. Shit was hella funny throughout the whole movie. no gay drama shit either, straight up comedy. the plot was pretty flat. in fact, Im still not sure what the movie's conflict was or how it got resolved, but I thought the dad was the funniest character. he shoulda...