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  1. Er1ka

    Poast Recent Pix Of Yourself, Skeezbags.

    AND.. Any of you had this? That shit fucks you up. Wine smells and tastes like ass, but goddamn I was dronk. :cheeky:
  2. Er1ka


    Are all the oldskool posters? Tired of seein' all the new tool's sluttin' the board up.
  3. Er1ka

    Oh shit..

    What the fuck is up, people?! Besides hard dicks & airplanes, of course. :cool:
  4. Er1ka

    We've all seen Tipsy nude.

    But who has seen the pics of the banana stuffed up her ass for a fucking 7SE charm? AIM me: Its FN Er1ka Saint Sinna from 7SE was Tipsy's crush. Like, hardcore. Not even a day after he brushed her off, she moved onto another internet rapper who lives clear across the United States. Come the...