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  1. lunitunez

    Dude overdosed on a webcam this dumb ass fool had something to prove to people over the internet, a damn shame heres a link to the chat log and some fucked up pictures
  2. lunitunez


    Yea id have to agree that their first 2 cds were the tightest ones, other cds only had a small few that were good, i just hope you're right about them bringing it back to the oldschool, im about to check out that website, oh and 45yr old virgin, id say do or die is the tightest group out the...
  3. lunitunez

    ALL I KNOW IS......

    LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LAAAAA LA I LOOOOVE YOOOOOOU all i know is laalalalalalaalal i luuuvvv youuu
  4. lunitunez

    Bosko for $0.00

    get famous producer bosko for free, link on main page
  5. lunitunez

    Laid back shit

    what do you listen to besides rap, that is some laid back shit, I'm listening to this Santana - The Essentials, track 6 called samba pa ti, real hot shit to get the mouth watered, santana is tearing in up on the guitar and you got some organs in the background, straight funk
  6. lunitunez


    THE TIIIIIIME, when we fell in luv, do you remember the tiiiiiiime, when we first met giiirl, do you remember the tiiiiiiiiiiiime
  7. lunitunez

    Can someone enlighten me about analog vs digital

    wtf is this talk about analog sounding better than digital, i just dont get it when it comes to recording
  8. lunitunez

    Weakest CD you ever bought

    ok i think hands down weakest cd i ever purchased had to be Hitman's Solo Creep, the lyrics were just weak as hell, some of the production was cool but the shit he came with was the type of shit that would make you be embarrased to be listenin to in your ride, the only track i liked was G's And...
  9. lunitunez

    hey hey hey lunitunez in this

    ok can someone tell me wtf exactly is the difference between an "independent" label and "commercial" label, like I heard tommy boy is independent for example, wtf do they do that puts them in that catagory