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  1. Red Ryda 916

    TOOL or A Perfect Circle?

    Who on the siccness is feelin their music? I've been a Tool fan since 94', but I probably bump APC just as much. Who do you think maynard's vocals sound better over, and which album do you think was either bands best? A few of my favorite cuts, A Perfect Circle: Orestes Judith 3 Libras...
  2. Red Ryda 916

    is anyone feelin...

    I listen to linkin Park, but I think jay-z's voice just dosen't sound right over their music. Maybe they made it for the "Hardcore" linkin park fan's, but I can't listen to it without telling jay-z to stfu five times in a row.
  3. Red Ryda 916 Shut Down

    NEW YORK -- One of the web's most popular file-sharing sites has shut down less than a week after Hollywood announced a flurry of lawsuits against operators of such internet servers. A note posted on, which facilitated sharing among users of the BitTorrent program, said the site...
  4. Red Ryda 916

    Huge Fight at Pistons /Pacers game

    Ron artest just flipped after some cat threw a beer and a bottle on him, Cats were fighting in the stands, a couple of people got punched in the grill. Fan's were running on the court & throwing bottles, the pacers straight rushed the fuckin stands and started throwing punches. Pretty fuckin...
  5. Red Ryda 916

    R.I.P Christopher Reeves

    Superman just passed away, R.I.P man of steel
  6. Red Ryda 916

    Computer Question

    I was just wondering if anyone here has installed Service Pack 2 for XP, and if you noticed any change in the way your comp worked. This auto update's been botherin' me for a minute and I don't no if I should download this bitch , I've had a few people tell me it's fucked up everything from...
  7. Red Ryda 916


    I don't know about all of you cats, but I was pretty fuckin heated when I saw this video, someone really needs 2 stomp the shit out of this bitch!!! Sorry Ass Bitch
  8. Red Ryda 916

    College Party Fight Clip

    I've seen this on other websites, but I just ran across it again & thought I'd post it up 4 those who have'nt seen it. Damn!!!! Potna never had a chance...LOL FIGHT CLIP
  9. Red Ryda 916


    Somethin ta smoke to: C.R.I.S.I.S - Sticky Greens
  10. Red Ryda 916

    Tyson Fight Over by 4th. Round

    The end came with the shocking suddenness of many Mike Tyson fights. First, the flurry of devastating punches, then a fighter falling bleeding to the canvas. Even more shocking this time was that fighter was Tyson himself. A comeback born out of financial desperation didn't go past the...
  11. Red Ryda 916


    Gettin hung off a balcony Rap: Vanilla Ice
  12. Red Ryda 916

    Anyone remember this Game?

    I don't remember exactly when this came out, but I still play this shit. They don't allow direct linking, so here's the web address: Sorry folkz, the link won't work, just copy & paste or type it in