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  1. BayCal

    Kanye West - Can't Tell Me Nothin' (SNIPPET) when the beat dropped my head was knockin already..
  2. BayCal

    Basketball Shorts Sizes?

    Don't usually wear these shorts but I'm about to cop some online... about 5'7" slim and I like my shit baggy, is a LARGE coo? it's nike (if that matters)
  3. BayCal

    Fabolous Verse on B. Face Assassins' "Fast"

    My internet fucked up when I was doin' the last thread so bad...anyways.. Anyone heard this yet? I heard it this morn at work for the first time...his verse was pretty clean... he prolly did it when he was up here last week...
  4. BayCal

    Dave Chapelle in SF this week.

    Anyone go to this or know anyone that went?? how was it??? worth 45 bucks???
  5. BayCal

    Detailer Position @ Car Dealership

    Anyone done this job before or know someone that did the job? Easy? Fun? Etc? Etc? I may be getting this type of job soon. Fsho...
  6. BayCal

    Paintballing Thread

    Any of you guys go often? Any of you guys done it?
  7. BayCal

    Brand New Sonicare Electric Toothbrush (Great Gift)

    Starting bid is at 1.99
  8. BayCal

    Lloyd - Street Love

    Who likes this dude's music? I think he's iighhhht. I just listened to his album, and I'm not feelin' it that much. Thoughts?
  9. BayCal


    Which rapper was on there this morning??? And what single was it they played w/ I think Manny Fresh on the beat. Thanks...
  10. BayCal

    BRAND NEW Guess Watch for sale...

    Cop it for your lady...
  11. BayCal

    NaS - Hip Hop Is Dead Album FOR CHEAP
  12. BayCal

    Bruce Almighty Anchorman Scene (Steve Coral)

  13. BayCal

    Akademiks Denim Lettered Jean Jacket
  14. BayCal

    New York Knicks Jacket
  15. BayCal

    AKADEMIKS HOODIE 100% Authentic
  16. BayCal

    Official Fuck This I'm Sick Thread...

    SUCKS HUH...
  17. BayCal

    SD Card Question...

    I loaded some files through an sd reader on a laptop... Then I put it back into my digi cam and connected USB... can't see the files... I know it's obviously just reading the pictures I took, but I know there's a way to see files n shit... HELP!
  18. BayCal

    Help with a track (Clyde Carson x Some Singer)

    It's a male R&B singer's song (I'm guessin' that cuz I heard more of him). But Clyde got a couple verses in there. I'm pretty sure it's new. I know it's not a lot of info but anyone know what song this is? Good shit..
  19. BayCal

    Some of yall asking...

    who the chic that was on my sig (not anymore) Name: Jeri Lee half Filipina and half Mexican born in orange county, CA USA have fun, bitches
  20. BayCal

    Mad Gab Siccness 2007

    North Earn Alley Four Knee Uh Make your own shit up now (mostly real words)