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  1. JoMoDo

    Should Moussaoui get the Death Penalty

    This should spice things up. Let's combine some heated topics around these parts for a recipe for an interesting conversation... Hi everyone, Below is an article about Zacarias Moussaoui, the supposed "20th hijacker" of 9/11. He was in jail at the time of the 9/11 attacks, and if you...
  2. JoMoDo

    Who'd like to see Lynch, Esham & Eclipse come with some crazy iShhh

    I was just thinkin' that'd be one cold a$$ track, put D-Sane on a dark beat, oooohwee...
  3. JoMoDo

    To all GOM'ers who support the Iraq War

    I was just thinking.... To those of you who strongly support the principles of this war, I've got an idea... Sign up for the armed forces and get your a$$ on over there. Plain & simple. Otherwwise when someone has a opposing viewpoint to the acts of genocide we are commiting in the name of...
  4. JoMoDo

    Stop the Patriot Act pt II, by filibuster if necessary

    Bu$hCo's Coup continues It's going down on Friday in the Senate. Yup, the potential for even more of our civil liberties is on the chopping block. At least this time around both parties claim the will fight reauthoriatiaon until the Patriot Act II is ammended. If not, the Defense Dept. will...
  5. JoMoDo

    Dietary Habits

    Just curious
  6. JoMoDo

    Attn: SEATTLE HEADS....

    Tomorrow y'all. It's a good cause, some of y'all can come out to support at noon.... - DECEMBER 10 - Seattle March for Stan on International Human Rights Day March with the Save Tookie contingent at the International Human Rights Day march and rally in downtown Seattle. Meet at 12:30 pm sharp...
  7. JoMoDo

    Media Reform

    I know it's been a while since I've made one of these, but there's some new editions so... Anyone interested in Media reform check out... and sign it... Also, peep...
  8. JoMoDo

    Pentagon Reverses Position and Admits U.S. Troops Used White Phosphorous Against Iraq

    I know this is kind of old news (11/17) but I haven't seen any mention of it on here. Anyway, the following article (although what has been done can never be undone), at least it is a step toward accountability. Those who took time to discuss this issue a couple of weeks ago, (whether for or...
  9. JoMoDo

    Attn: Katrina Victim's 'HAPPY THANKSGIVING'

    This is a public service announcement: Let's hope all the Katrina Victims who have lost everything and then some have a 'Happy Thanksgiving', b/c the week after that, their FEMA funding for their temporary housing in Hotels is cutoff... What's it mean for them? What's it mean to you?
  10. JoMoDo

    Approved ammendment nullifies Guantonamo's prisoners appeals

    Sen Lindsey Graham approved ammendment: won 53-43 Currently approximately 200 of the 500 prisoners in Guantanamo foregoe their appeals and are denied due process. Some maybe criminals, some may be innocent. None the less, prisoners held in Guantanomo who have been detained, tortured, denied...
  11. JoMoDo

    Did the U.S. Military Attack Iraqi Civilians With.....

    Did the U.S. Military Attack Iraqi Civilians With White Phosphorous Bombs in Violation of the Geneva Conventions? We speak with a former U.S. soldier who witnessed orders being given to drop white phosphorous bombs over Fallujah; a Pentagon spokesperson in Baghdad who admits such bombs were...
  12. JoMoDo

    How do y'all alleviate stress...

    I mean real deal bonifide stress, when your close to, the edge and on the verge of snapping, how do you shake it? (please omit any response along the lines of sex, religion, and/or drugs) I was going to put this in the open forum but would rather have less farcical responses here...
  13. JoMoDo

    'I need some Advice'

    Feel free to start jotting down small phrases, life philposophies, idioms, proverbs, or other one, two, or three liner advice you live by or give to other people... (for life, death, sex, money, religion, politics whatever) what cha'll got He who goes to bed with itchy butt, wakes up with...
  14. JoMoDo

    Does anyone here remember 'Pistol'?

    He dropped one album on Ruthless, then the other somewhere else. Haven't heard nothing sense like 97-98. He was from Tennesee if I recall correctly...l
  15. JoMoDo

    When's the new 'Coup' droppin?

    Any idea's? is it out yet, if not when's the ETA?
  16. JoMoDo

    One step forward, two steps backword...

    Out with Delay, in with Roberts.... wtf
  17. JoMoDo

    Now this is what I'm talkin' 'bout

    Might be old news, but new to me...
  18. JoMoDo

    Does this definition accurately reflect our political system

    A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism...
  19. JoMoDo

    FEMA promotes Pat Robertson's 'Charity'

    good interview from AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to an issue, Juan, that you've been covering in the New York Daily News, and that is the issue of who gets their charities on the web pages of the government websites. JUAN GONZALEZ: Yes. Well, soon after Hurricane Katrina...