GO HERE: http://www.3604free.com/index.php?ref=3825321
the shit actually works... one of my homeboys got his like 2 weeks ago. You just got to do one offer thing (easiest is to sign up for a trial of netflix then cancel it in 2 weeks) and then get 10 people to sign up for the website and then...
it sucks... and the people are fucking weird... wassup witchyall... oh yeah and since when the fuck did a ghetto ass neighborhood pop up like a block away from the nice ass neighborhood... i went to check out a apartment at carro ct for 425 which is by northrop & fulton which is nice as fuck but...
and im pissed... little shit got caught at school by police.... ahhhh.... they said he admited to doing it for a while but couldnt verify whether it was coke or meth... makes me wanna beat this little kids ass... what do you guys suggest... hes 14...
i need a job cause im moving up there in a month or so... and im thinkin most people are gonna have those jobs stolen... so anyone work at a mall or a store... or anything... i have assistant manager/key holder experiene... so anyone who needs someone in the sac area holla atcha boy
hes good i was locked up with him for about 6 months... anyways hes a coo ass dude and don't hate on him just cause he's white... dont sleep on him
i was locked up with this guy for a while... real cool ass dude... anyways take a look at him... he was recently on seattles top 50 new rappers
Everyone send me your gamertags or else drop them here depending on how many people wanna join and how many games they want in the season we are gonna have a league..... Only respond if you for sure wanna do this and make saure to drop your gamertag