I am 90% sure this is lynch. Just come clean. I saw the instagram post where you said you were gonna post on a "site made because of me named after my song" that you deleted. Same time this random Mr truth spit account shows up. Sure. I have been a fan since 24 deep and still listen too your...
I don't like to see this thread even bumped. But that is a pretty good analogy for earth and the atmosphere and their relative size. I already know that Smiley will completely miss and have some overly stupid reason why it doesn't relate to the flat earth theory.
I can separate art from the artist. I can enjoy something made by a person without saying what they did was right or that I condone it in the slightest. Sicx should rot where he is forever but I can still listen to songs he made almost 20 years ago that he is not seeing a dime off of.
He was already on a SNY yard when he was stabbed. He has always said they put him in that yard because of his notoriety. Same thing they do when any famous person goes to the pen. Prisons don't want well known inmates killed that's bad for their business.
California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country and this still happens but more gun control laws are gonna magically stop shootings. Yeah OK
You know people have to say alot of things while on parole right? Don't mean everything they say is what they actually feel. Time will tell but it is what it is. I hope raided or anerae does great.
I don't care about seeing his face. The problem with a phone interview is they tend to sound like shit. It's 2018 no need for a interview to sound like shit. He put out albums from prison in better quality than this interview.