Has anyone noticed that the East Co.Co. Message board is the highest active record label board in the siccness, with a little over 10,000 posts, and more than 900 threads. Just thought I'd let people know.
So let me get this straight. Droop is no longer on KVE or is he still on KVE? And is Droop's album, Prince of Darkness, is that going to drop on KVE or Droop's Label? Now these are just some questionz, I don't want anyone gettin all fired up over this.
AT Big Robb and MS. I got the cd'z today Koaz and Letahl weapons. Both cd's are tight as fuck,much props to KVE. And another thing. You guyz also sent me a copy of BG Evil: One Flew Over and I didn't order it. If you guyz want me to send it back to you guyz that will be fine with me. Cause I...
I hate to keep bothering but I still haven't gotten the cd's I ordered. My sister works at the bank where I made my Money Order for the cd's. And she told me that the money order hasn't cleared yet. So I was wondering if you guyz even got the money order I sent. So let me know whats up.
I know this isn't a cd or tape or anything like that ,but I can't find another place to sell this at.
Size XXL- $45 shipping included . E-mail at [email protected] for details.
Hey homie I still haven't gotten any new street team shit yet. I was wondering if you forgot about me or what. It's all good though. Just let me know if you need my address again or what ever. Thanks homie and I'm always down to put in some work for that KVE crew.
MEGAN!!!! on NE4 Booklet
I just got that Ne4 album. I looked in the booklet and DAMN!!!!
Megan. That is one of the finest females I've ever seen. Who else agree's?