It is what it is though, voting as we know it wouldnt work simply off the strength of our faulty ass voting system, not to mention how complex americas problems are... and then you tie that together wih the fact that literal tens of millions of voters are either intellectually lazy, lack...
either way, trump was better than all of them though... just off the strength that he was non-establishment, and he's the only president that dare addressed the recurring issue that the american economy has been undergoing for the past 60+ years, and then acted on it.
I will say this though...
Probably because Trump was literally the only president in any of our lives that was worth a damn... i dont really blame muthafuckas for being trump supporters
He shot 3 crackas with an AR-15 and got called a hwite supremacist by the woke left for it
You cant make this shit up. In order to save this country, all leftists need to be identified, rounded up, and placed in ovens
friendly reminder... masks don't work.
matter of fact, I'm at least 90% certain that the masks are the thing that can actually kill you if you catch covid.