Almost threw my ps4 controller through the wall fuck camping in the best at call of duty @Chree we will play soon I had a chick over when u were de inc me those invited lol
@InfamousICON let's call it a truce we are both obviously relatively stubborn regarding our views regarding the raiders moving or not moving, neither of us is wrong just different ways of looking at it.
@DaGrimProphet I authorize you to give my share of our earnings so far to Mac Jesus or donate it to the charity of your choice or just keep it and get some grub
I'm working on moving into a new place buddy so money and time are a little tight right now but I'm gonna set up a studio and get a new computer when I'm in my new place yee
Does this work with companions too? I didn't even know this was really a thing. I had heard having specific people man the trade stands unlocks unique items, but do they have to be selling those types of items? Like if I assigned Hancock to a weapons stand but he had unique armor would I still...