4 those who don't know who he is he was 1/2 of MillionDollarDream back in the 90's.
He is not apart of MillionDollarDream Anymore it's only NickPeace
So were is he at? is off on his own thing or what?
You would think the Mother Fuckers at the CD store would have the FI!B up here but they did not. They should
Were can i pick this up at In RoseVill or Sac.
I can't come up with anything right now. I start with my Drums sometimes or i pick a sound or two i like and start form there.
but right now i'm in a hole and can't come up with anything.
I'm useing this sound in the SubTractor and when i play it solo like after a few secs it get's like more bass in it then it go's back the way i what it to be then to gets more bass then it go's back...
How would i fix this sound were it satys and the right level.
the sound is called DeepBass
I what to get a Triton-Rack but i what it to work with Reason can i do that? and i what to get more sound Racks so can i hock up more then one? :confused: