if i were him, getting booed every night, id say something. its gotta be affecting him mentally.
but him being pushed is just bad booking bro. shoulda had db win and throw him out. crowd woulda went ballistic.
but if we really think about it. their roster right now sucks. but they need to be...
JBL annoys the fuck outta me.
"This is the best match I ever seen..."
No its not you dumb motherfucker!
The King is lame now
and Michael Cole called Zack Ryder, Jack Ryder. So you can fill in the blank for him
i like Reigns. He has the "look" but his mic skills suck donkey balls. but thats cool. His rise to stardom wasnt organic like Daniel Bryan or Bray Wyatt. WWE forcing Reigns down people throat and as you saw tonite like you said the crowd shitted on em.
We all knew Reigns was gonna win. But...