anyone who has it can you tell me if it has The Lox and Made Men-Tommy's Theme video and if it has that trailer where DMX-Somebody's Knocking is playing in the background. Thanks
What all does it have on it? I don't want to buy it unless it has the videos for Made Men and The Lox- Tommy's Theme and that DMX-Grand Finale video. Those were both two tight videos.
that little thing he does at the end of the Sprinkle Me video and The I Got 5 On It remix video is some tight shit. I wonder if he has a name for it. LOL
what is your opinon of that cd? To tell you the truth I bought that cd back when it came out and the only song I've ever listened to is Get Fucked Up. LOL
I don't really like that cd very much either. I was just curious of what everyone else's opinion of it was. I just started listening to it again recently to see if I liked it now more than before.
I'm not that familiar with what the members of Crucial Conflict look like. I own the dvd though. Are they standing by the Lexus in the part where Method Man is supposed to be in Nebraska?