Just packed 1/4 in a air tight pill container, boom no issues. Smoked some of my tree with a thick ass breezy tonight. Gigantic rack. I didn’t realize it didn’t show up on their scanners I was hella googling shit last night bout it and all the different sites had hella different opinions, so I...
He became the vice president of the United States? I’d say that’s an accomplishment.
Obviously we have a fundamental difference in opinion and that’s okay bro, but I can’t vote for a guy I do not respect. He has created separation among human beings. He’s not a good leader. Sure a lot of people...
What goes through your mind when you create these threads?
"HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA AHHHHHH HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I can't wait to annoy these fuckers with another Bizzy Bone song! That'll show them! That Big Punk asshole is gonna hate this! HAAAAAAHHHHHH HAAAAAAAHHHHH HHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH"