G.I.N are from Indiana
Big Preak Playaz - Big Preak Playaz (1998)
Big Loon-E-Toon - Takeover (1998)
Black Godfathaz - Make The World Go Round
these are from Denver
I don't know about the rest
1996 - OTR Clique - The Rap Game
1. Rap Game (3:42)
2. It Ain't Right feat. Professor Griff (5:18)
3. Let It Burn (4:53)
4. Much Love (4:46)
5. Man Hunt I (5:50)
6. Back of the Club (3:54)
7. Life Goes On (Clean Remix) (4:23)
8. Back of the Club, Pt. 2 (It Ain't over 'Til It's Over)...
I'm listening now to Tha Crunk-A-Holics - Guetto Livin, shit is tight
they reppin Denver on one of the tracks but considering their style and name it sounds weird; are they really from Denver and do they have anytihng else out before this one??