Yeah man all my friends still play gta5, so they don't know if this game is good so I'm thinking to rent it from the Redbox for a weekend so I won't have to buy it, I hear the story mode is really short. I'm thinking it's the same as all the Batman Arkham games.
That SHADOW album is tight, whats up guys! Sup My folx EverGreenRydah! Heres the "SOLO" (720P quality) Flick if yall wanna check it out.!rjY0hK5a!7Ee9JFjORzEa9_ZrLxHXcpeaUA9M7I2kbAHln-DUJwE
Thanks in advance and heres an album for your time if you would like to grab it.
Cuete - Northern Warriors [Northern Cali, 2000]!enghlSpb!xrskDXF8v_ErJQqfLukJ8w
Does any1 on BART know where to find @T1, I need to See if he can re-activate this link so I can bump some GI classic shit agian.