How many more massacres, and homicides until we as a country stop listening to these gun nutters that are defending an old ass constitution that some old white people who didn't even know shit about technology, automatic weapons and internet wrote under candle light. We live in a different time...
No, really not necessary tbh. Risk is low to nil. Things rarely just self install like you might get on windows, bc you need to mount the programs to install.
The way mac os works is each program is mounted, and does not have all those stupid directories like windows - same reason why you... - Fly Boy Gang_ Young & Dutchie - Where U Been _ Shot By @dadacreative.mp3 - E-40 - Choices (Yup) (2 New Albums Out Dec 9th).mp3
Literally spend last 4 months, on and off on this during off time in school... pretty rad. Made is avaliable to DL, listen to sometime, let me know what you think.
@Mixerr please review for me, listen to all 30mins of it. Its basically my life work, and worth all loaded onto a soundcloud for...
Simple as this:
^Same album but its split for whatever reason
^ hold cmnd select the split albums, and then right click and "get info"
^Fill in the info, espically album artist and select the box at the bottom
press ok, money
@NiNe2FiVe on a side not I copped some of the B-Ball classic print Stance socks, the Larry Birds, and Warriors... man they are comfortable, i'm bout to get a bunch more stance socks.