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  1. 2-0-Sixx


    yes - you are in favor no - you are not maybe - certain circumstances, such as rape, incest, etc.
  2. 2-0-Sixx

    T-1 hit me up for the underground unholy video

    you know where to reach me
  3. 2-0-Sixx


    You still going to school? What classes you taking this quarter man?
  4. 2-0-Sixx

    Is Religion the Source of Morality?

    Is Religion the Source of Morality? by Jerry Brown Most religious people are sure it is, and many claim that without it we would all be savages. The evidence indicates otherwise. Christians who make this claim evidently do not know much of the history of religion in general and of Christianity...
  5. 2-0-Sixx

    The Christian Hatred of Women

    The Christian Hatred of Women Civilization has slowly advanced towards the equal treatment of women, but it is the nature of all religions to look backwards to an earlier time, when their gods (who can't be bothered to make an appearance nowadays) allegedly walked the Earth, and told the men...
  6. 2-0-Sixx

    Blue pill or Red pill?

    N. 9, April 2001: "Red or Blue? What kind of life would you choose?" -Massimo Pigliucci Is it better to live a harsh reality or a comfortable fantasy? And why? This is one interpretation of a key question faced by Neo, the hero of the movie The Matrix. Neo has a conversation with the rather...
  7. 2-0-Sixx

    Is God in your brain?

    August 27, 2002 Massimo Pigliucci Is God in your brain? Imagine you are about to have a mystical experience. You may be absorbed in prayer in the silence of your room, or perhaps you are meditating and - helped by the lack of distraction to your senses - you are about to experience a feeling of...
  8. 2-0-Sixx

    Lynch in Seattle

    I heard that lynch is going to be in Seattle or Tacoma Friday Dec. 27th. Is this true???
  9. 2-0-Sixx

    US blocks cheap drugs agreement

    US blocks cheap drugs agreement Saturday, 21 December, 2002, 13:21 GMT The United States has blocked an international agreement to allow poor countries to buy cheap drugs. This means millions of poor people will still not have access to medicines...
  10. 2-0-Sixx

    Bush Gives the CIA More Power to Kill

    Monday, Dec. 16, 2002. Bush Gives the CIA More Power to Kill By James Risen and David Johnston New York Times Service WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration has prepared a list of about two dozen terrorist leaders that the Central Intelligence Agency is authorized to kill if capture is...
  11. 2-0-Sixx

    Sean Penn in Iraq

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Actor Sean Penn on Friday weighed in on the international debate over a possible war with Iraq, paying for a $56,000 advertisement in the Washington Post accusing U.S. President George W. Bush of stifling debate and threatening civil liberties. In an open letter to Bush...
  12. 2-0-Sixx


    Aren't you people proud bush put Kissinger back to work!!! An indictment of Henry Kissinger for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes would include (but not be confined to) the following. VIETNAM Kissinger scuttled peace talks in 1968, paving the way for Richard Nixon's victory in...
  13. 2-0-Sixx

    Is it just me or does this guy look gay?

    I think hes gay. Lets call him Emily What up T1? How you living? I know you've seen this pic but I thought I would post it up in here just so the other cats can see how Emily really gets down on her b-day!
  14. 2-0-Sixx

    Why are you in the military or thinking about joining?

    For those that are. Please explain.
  15. 2-0-Sixx

    callin out bustaz

    This thread is dedicated to the bustaz on this board that find it necessary to send me hate mail and criticize me because of my beliefs. I'm not going to be a little bitch and start calling out names. You muthafuckers know who you are. If you want to say that shit to me personally then hit...
  16. 2-0-Sixx

    Dubya on "Negro's"

    Let's look to Bush's record opposing runs against affirmative action and early education programs for minorities. He was on the front lines against equal opportunity admissions to colleges in Texas and supported the racists in California who crafted Proposition 209 and passed it, thus denying...
  17. 2-0-Sixx


    @Dosia, Where the fuck have you been? Hit me up man...You do remember our agreement right? Peace out, Violence in
  18. 2-0-Sixx

    Civil war?

    Do any of you believe that we will encounter civil war in the near future? When I look back in the past, 60's and 70's I see thousands of activists, radicals and revolutionaries. Now days I see a bunch of brain washed pussies. I believe that the day we live in today is much more of a reason...
  19. 2-0-Sixx

    Did jesus exist???
  20. 2-0-Sixx

    Your best insult

    Aight people. Lets hear your best or funniest insult. If I want any lip from you i'll unzip my pants. your moms so dumb she put a peephole in a glass door. your so ugly that when you were born the doctor slapped your mom. Yo momma's so ugly when she joined an ugly contest, they said...