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  1. 2-0-Sixx

    Bush and the Saudis Sitting in a Tree...

    "Well, well, well. President George was in one hell of bind this week when it turned out that Saudi Arabia funded Al Qaeda, not Iraq. Realizing we'd invaded the wrong country, Bush did the honorable thing: he's come out against gay marriages. "...
  2. 2-0-Sixx

    Convince an Atheist!

    It’s about that time for another Theist vs. Atheist thread, so I am personally challenging all Theists to post your arguments for a higher power. I will wait, and I suggest all Atheists do this too, until there are several replies before joining the fun. My suggestion to all Theists is to...
  3. 2-0-Sixx

    WMD found!!!!

    In the U.S. Deceit, Danger Mark U.S. Pursuit of WMD Heather Wokusch, July 31, 2003 Illegal biological and nuclear weapons production is on the rise - in the United States. Ignoring the internationally recognized Biological Weapons Convention, the U.S. Army has patented a grenade...
  4. 2-0-Sixx

    Bush, pipelines, rainforrest, greed.

    Bush, the rainforest and a gas pipeline to enrich his friends Plan would enrich Bush corporate campaign contributors By Andrew Gumbel in Los Angeles 30 July 2003 President George Bush is seeking funds for a controversial project to drive gas pipelines from pristine rainforests in the Peruvian...
  5. 2-0-Sixx

    Fence Dividing West Bank

    Ariel Sharon is going to build a fence dividing Isrealies from the palastinians in the west bank. Sound familiar? In May 2001, Sharon said during a visit of the Jordan Valley that the stretch of Paletinian land would remain under Israeli occupation “forever.”
  6. 2-0-Sixx

    Researchers help define what makes a conservative

    UC Berkeley News Researchers help define what makes a political conservative By Kathleen Maclay, Media Relations | 22 July 2003 (revised 7/25/03) BERKELEY -- Politically conservative agendas may range from supporting the Vietnam War to upholding traditional moral and religious values to...
  7. 2-0-Sixx

    Afghan, Iraq, Liberia....N. Korea?

    We May Have Forgotten; North Korea Hasn't By Thomas P. Kim Thomas P. Kim is a professor of politics and international relations at Scripps College, Claremont, Calif. July 23, 2003 The Bush administration is debating the possibility of a "surgical strike" on North Korea. This notion is...
  8. 2-0-Sixx

    Hypocrites...American Soldiers in civilian clothes

    American Agents are Blamed for Raid That Became a Massacre By Robert Fisk in Baghdad 07/29/03: The American killing of up to 11 Iraqi civilians in Baghdad during an abortive attempt to seize Saddam Hussein on Sunday has provoked disturbing questions as well as widespread anger in the...
  9. 2-0-Sixx


    Human tracking chips unveiled MEXICO CITY, July 18 — Borrowing from technology for tracking pets, a U.S. company on Thursday launched Mexican sales of microchips that can be implanted under a person’s skin and used to confirm health history and identity THE MICROCHIPS, already available in...
  10. 2-0-Sixx

    Tens of Thousands Will Lose College Aid

    Tens of Thousands Will Lose College Aid, Report Says By GREG WINTER The first report to document the impact of the government's new formula for financial aid has found that it will reduce the nation's largest grant program by $270 million and bar 84,000 college students from receiving any...
  11. 2-0-Sixx

    Mysterious Diseases Haunt U.S. Troops In Iraq

    BAGHDAD, July 17 ( & News Agencies) – Several mysterious diseases were reported among a number of American troops within the vicinity of Baghdad airport, a military source closely close to NATO unveiled. U.S. soldiers deployed around Baghdad airport started showing symptoms of...
  12. 2-0-Sixx

    prison terms for KaZaA users

    Congress mulls prison terms for KaZaA users By Thomas C Greene in Washington Posted: 17/07/2003 at 12:40 GMT Not satisfied with hacking P2P networks, or destroying the computers of file sharers, House Hollywood sock puppet Howard Berman (Democrat, California) is now sponsoring legislation that...
  13. 2-0-Sixx

    lust for loot

    Friday, Jul. 18, 2003. Page XII Global Eye -- Cake Walk By Chris Floyd The convoluted controversy over whether or not Saddam Hussein tried to buy uranium "yellowcake" ore from Niger last year and whether or not George W. Bush should have mentioned this alleged attempted transaction in his...
  14. 2-0-Sixx

    Patriot Act 2

    Also know as Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003. "I challenge all Americans to study the new Patriot Act and to compare it to the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. Ninety percent of the act has nothing to do with terrorism and is instead a giant Federal...
  15. 2-0-Sixx

    Resume of a Madman

    GEORGE W. BUSH RESUME The White House, USA ACCOMPLISHMENTS AS PRESIDENT: I attacked and took over two countries. I spent the U.S. surplus and bankrupted the Treasury. I shattered the record for biggest annual deficit in history. I set an economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in...
  16. 2-0-Sixx

    $3.9 billion a month

    Donald Rumsfeld nearly doubled the estimated military costs in Iraq to $3.9 billion a month.
  17. 2-0-Sixx


    Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False CBS) Senior administration officials tell CBS News the President’s mistaken claim that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Africa was included in his State of the Union address -- despite objections from the CIA. Before the speech was delivered, the portions dealing...
  18. 2-0-Sixx


    Go to Type: weapons of mass destruction (no quotation marks). Do NOT click Google Search. Instead, click: I’m Feeling Lucky. Then read the whole error message carefully.
  19. 2-0-Sixx


    Unfortunately that is correct, but he will always be known to me as the Unholy.
  20. 2-0-Sixx

    Serial cat killer

    Has anybody heard about this? They say in Denver over 40 cats have been mutilated in the last year. :dead: