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  1. 2-0-Sixx

    An Essay by a pure genius

    El Nino - by Jeremy Lavine "Like all things spanish, it is dangerous" (don't remember if I posted this before :dead:)
  2. 2-0-Sixx

    Bu$hCo. doesn't give a fuck about the troops

    U.S. Soldiers Contaminated With Depleted Uranium Speak Out Watch Video Read transcripts _________________________ A special investigation by Democracy Now! co-host Juan Gonzalez of the New York Daily News has found four of nine soldiers of the 442nd Military Police Company of the New York...
  3. 2-0-Sixx

    CWF (Christian Wrestling Federation) lol, is this shit for real???
  4. 2-0-Sixx

    U.S. knew of Sept. 11 plans (Washington Times) Leak: U.S. knew of Sept. 11 plans WASHINGTON, April 2 (UPI) -- The U.S. administration knew of al-Qaida plans to target buildings with planes months before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a former FBI translator claims...
  5. 2-0-Sixx

    360-370-million-year-old arm bone

    What do some christians believe? The earth is only 6,000 years old or some shit? A tiny fossil found by a road cutting in Pennsylvania, US, could be the earliest example of an arm bone. The 360-370-million-year-old humerus, or upper arm bone, indicates that limbs may have evolved for use...
  6. 2-0-Sixx

    "In God We Trust" and "under god"

    Why is this bullshit on our money? It never was in the past...what the fuck does "god" have to do with our money? 1928 1935 One Dollar Bill 1886 Silver Certificate: 1880 $5 bill You should notice of course the common use of both the female form (often representing Liberty...
  7. 2-0-Sixx

    Study: File-Sharing No Threat to Music Sales (Sales can increase)

    Study: File-Sharing No Threat to Music Sales Tue Mar 30, 8:59 AM ET By David McGuire, Staff Writer Internet music piracy has no negative effect on legitimate music sales, according to a study released today by two university researchers that contradicts the music...
  8. 2-0-Sixx

    The always interesting Cuttlefish. Video clip inside

    The Cuttlefish. One of the fucking wierdest creatures on the planet. Look at how the creature morphs into some evil creature for just a second when it strikes at the crab. Look how the fucker changes color, flashing nonstop...
  9. 2-0-Sixx


    For anyone who is interested and gets the Canadian channel, be sure to watch COMANDANTE this Sunday night. COMANDANTE Sunday March 28 at 10pm ET/PT repeating Friday April 2 at 10pm ET "Comandante is an intimate portrait of Fidel Castro and his...
  10. 2-0-Sixx

    Bye Bye Forth Amendment

    Warrantless searches OK'd, sometimes Baton Rouge Advocate In a ruling two judges dubbed "the road to hell," a federal appeals court opened the door for police officers in three states to search homes and buildings for evidence without a warrant. The 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled...
  11. 2-0-Sixx


    Walking among the ruins of the ancient temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece one day, I came upon a beautiful little building called the Athenian Treasury. Its floor had deep grooves carved out of solid rock. In these holes the pagan priests deposited the gold, silver, gems and jewels which were...
  12. 2-0-Sixx

    Worldwide protests [one year anniversary, Iraq war] Protests have been taking place across the world to mark the first anniversary of the start of the Iraq conflict. In New York, thousands marched through central Manhattan and similar rallies were held in other major US cities. In Europe...
  13. 2-0-Sixx

    b.g. bullet wound question

    a-yo. Back when I saw Tech in Seattle last year, b.g bullet wound performed some sick shit. I wanted to know if he has a CD out and where can I order it?
  14. 2-0-Sixx

    lol, Rumsfeld fuckin up on TV :dead:
  15. 2-0-Sixx

    Should she be charged with murder?[

    No Caesarean leads to murder charge Thursday, March 11, 2004 Posted: 8:08 PM EST (0108 GMT) SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) -- A pregnant woman who allegedly ignored medical warnings to have a Caesarean section to save her twins was charged Thursday with murder after one of the babies was...
  16. 2-0-Sixx

    A murderous dictator, his rapper son and a $700m-a-year oil boom

    Did some one say oil? Where theres oil, the u.s can be found.... The grounding of a mystery plane, allegedly carrying mercenaries, has focused attention on the West African state of Equatorial Guinea and its despotic leader. Declan Walsh reports on a would-be coup that sounds like a plot from...
  17. 2-0-Sixx

    Spain's new socialist leader and the Madrid bombings

    Spain's new socialist leader and the Madrid bombings Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero is set to become Spain's new prime minister after leading his party to an unexpected victory. The grandson of a Republican army officer shot during the civil war, Mr Rodriguez Zapatero joined the Socialist...
  18. 2-0-Sixx

    Excellent article

    "The trouble with words is that you never know whose mouths they've been in."—-British TV dramatist, Dennis Potter March 4, 2004—John Kerry is liberal, Wesley Clark is anti-war, and an un-elected president is seeking re-election. When Colin Powell recently said: "Whether or not he is able to...
  19. 2-0-Sixx

    3 heads are better then one

    3 headed frog found Wildlife experts in Britain are stunned by the apparent discovery of a frog with three croaking heads and six legs, Local 6 News will report Friday night. Frog Also Has 6 Legs
  20. 2-0-Sixx

    “School of Assassins”

    It's ok if you're a terrorist for the U.S. "Over its 56 years, the SOA has trained over 60,000 Latin American soldiers in counterinsurgency techniques, sniper training, commando and psychological warfare, military intelligence and interrogation tactics. These graduates have consistently used...