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  1. 2-0-Sixx

    Ok, this is getting way out of hand

    Reagan on the new $10 bill? WASHINGTON — Former president Ronald Reagan's name has been enshrined on everything from an airport outside Washington to a turnpike in Florida to a mountain in New Hampshire. Now his most...
  2. 2-0-Sixx

    Reagan accomplishments

    1911 Ronald Reagan born Tampico Illinois 1964 Reagan's final starring film: “The Killers” 1967 Reagan becomes governor of California Reagan cuts budget in California by 10% Major cuts mental health system in California Major cuts for the University of California and institutes tuition...
  3. 2-0-Sixx

    How come Japanese live so long?

    Anyone have any ideas? Japan hits record on centenarians Japan's ageing population has recorded another first - the number of centenarians has doubled in the last five years to more than 20,000. A new government report also found that nearly one in five people is now over 65, a proportion...
  4. 2-0-Sixx

    Bu$hCo. Wants to put more shit in our drinking water

    Got this from another site... What's this "blending" plan the EPA is putting on the table? It's a weakening of current waste-water treatment regulations, which "would allow publicly owned treatment works to "blend" partially treated sewage with treated sewage and discharge it into waterways...
  5. 2-0-Sixx

    He only killed Spics and Wetbacks...Ronald Reagan is our HERO

    The United States invites the charge of hypocrisy when it accuses "enemy leaders" of war crimes, while it turns a blind eye to equally horrific slaughters committed by allies, sometimes guided and protected by the U.S. government. With release of truth commission reports in several Central...
  6. 2-0-Sixx

    God, Satan. Satan, God. God=Satan

    Jesus God Satan All the same. How many christians will admit that God is the creator of Evil? "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. " -God in Isaiah 45:7 (KJV) The name "Lucifer" (another name for Satan) means light...
  7. 2-0-Sixx

    ostrich boots

    Who's got 'em?
  8. 2-0-Sixx

    Ok, time for a serious fucking thread...

    Post your G-Dub pictures
  9. 2-0-Sixx

    CIA chief George Tenet steps down

    George Tenet has resigned as director of the CIA, citing "personal reasons". President George W Bush accepted the resignation and said he would miss the "strong and able" Mr Tenet as head of the US intelligence agency. The CIA has been at the heart of criticism over faulty intelligence in...
  10. 2-0-Sixx

    K-K-KILL. Holocaust Denial?

    LINK (You don't have to read the all of this, just 'till the _________ in the center of the page) American authorities have consistently refused to quote casualties other than among Coalition troops (805 deaths, according to a current UN report). The UN puts the deaths of Iraqi soldiers at...
  11. 2-0-Sixx

    I know this is old, but...

    This shit cracks me up every time lol
  12. 2-0-Sixx

    Does anyone actually care about the Pope?

    Does anyone on this board actually think this guy is worth something? When I say the Pope is fag and probably molested thousands of children, do you get offended? What makes the pope so special? Is he not just like the other molesters or is he some supreme being of a molester? ___________ 11:55...
  13. 2-0-Sixx

    Court lifts Pinochet's immunity

    A Chilean court has stripped former military leader Augusto Pinochet of his immunity from prosecution. The surprise move paves the way for his trial on charges of human rights abuses during his 1973-1990 rule. Unlike previous cases, the latest lawsuit against Gen Pinochet refers to what...
  14. 2-0-Sixx

    US Record Prison Population Rises Again US Record Prison Population Rises Again By Alan Elsner 5-28-4 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States saw its prison and jail population increase again in 2003, the Justice Department reported on Thursday. The number of people held in...
  15. 2-0-Sixx

    Pumping fear into america before the elections

    Get your windows duct taped and boarded up because there WILL be a terrorist attack this summer! We don't know where it will be, we don't know how, and we don't know when, but what we do know is that there WILL be an attack. 2004 Will Be Remembered as 'Summer of Terror' Be on the look out for...
  16. 2-0-Sixx

    If You're Brown, You're Goin Down!

    50 points to who correctly posts the name of the preson who said the following... "But all that aside, let me tell you what I liked about that Gulf War: it was the first war that appeared on every television channel, including cable. And even though the TV show consisted largely of Pentagon...
  17. 2-0-Sixx

    Lack of 9/11 discussion...Where are we in 2004?

    _______________________________________ That 19 Muslim men who have apparently disappeared have been named as the hijackers is not in doubt. What is in doubt is whether those 19 men were actually plotting anything, either individually or together. The amazing possibility remains that others...
  18. 2-0-Sixx

    It's a nice day for a white wedding

    "They [Americans] hit two homes where the wedding was being held and then they levelled the whole village" Iraqis have been burying more of the victims of a US air strike which they said hit a wedding party. Mourners said an Iraqi wedding singer and his musician brother were among more than...
  19. 2-0-Sixx

    Donald Rumsfeld should be castrated, then shot in the head

    "[Rumsfeld] encouraged physical coercion and sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners in an effort to generate more intelligence" THE GRAY ZONE by SEYMOUR M. HERSH How a secret Pentagon program came to Abu Ghraib. Issue of 2004-05-24 Posted 2004-05-15 The roots of the Abu Ghraib prison...
  20. 2-0-Sixx

    No one can get a shot of in .4 seconds

    They didn't start the clock soon enough. I don't care what anybody says. No one can catch the ball with your back to the hoop, turn around and shoot in .4 seconds. .6 or .7, but no way .4