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  1. 2-0-Sixx

    The case of the missing Iranian general

    By Peter Symonds March 14, 2007 Very little of the detail appearing in the media about the recent unexplained disappearance of a top Iranian general, Brigadier General Ali Reza Asgari, including his age, can be taken at face value. But all the accounts point to the involvement of the US...
  2. 2-0-Sixx

    Robot Ethics

    We are creating robots in our own fashion, and endowing them with human consciousness – or at least that is what it seems like we are trying to do. How long will it be before a Geneva Convention on Robotic Rights is established? 1. A robot may not injure a human or, through inaction, allow a...
  3. 2-0-Sixx

    2007 Forbes billionaire list: 946 people = $3.5 trillion

    Global Inequality Forbes 2007 list: Nearly one thousand billionaires in the world, a misfortune for humanity Forbes magazine released its annual list of billionaires Thursday. There are now nearly one thousand billionaires worldwide—946 to be exact, according to the magazine’s calculations—and...
  4. 2-0-Sixx

    Israel recalls 'naked ambassador'

    Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador after he was found drunk and naked apart from bondage gear. Reports say he was able to identify himself to police only after a rubber ball had been removed from his mouth. A foreign ministry official described Ambassador Tzuriel Refael's...
  5. 2-0-Sixx

    Arizona Cardinals assistant coach busted for solicitating whores

    Cards coach booked for soliciting prostitution Click here to find out more! wire reports PHOENIX (March 9, 2007) -- Former NFL running back Richie Anderson, now an assistant coach with the Arizona Cardinals, was arrested during a Phoenix police anti-prostitution operation. Anderson...
  6. 2-0-Sixx

    George Bush on Latin American visit, thousands protest

    Brazilian Policemen beat a protester during a march against U.S. President George W. Bush in Sao Paulo, Thursday, March 8, 2007. Bush will visit Brazil March 8-9. (AP Photo/Maurilio Cheli) President Bush tours the Petrobras alternative fuel facility with Brazilian President Liuz Inacio Lula...
  7. 2-0-Sixx

    [FTP!] Police to go on trial for Katrina massacre

    Relatives demand justice as police go on trial over Katrina killings Paul Harris in New Orleans Sunday March 4, 2007 The Observer Ronald Madison stayed on in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina - he could not bear to leave behind the family dogs, a beloved pair of dachshunds called Bobbi and...
  8. 2-0-Sixx

    [BOXING] Wladimir Klitschko vs. Ray Austin. March 10

    “I don’t come to lose. I come to win. This is going to be a beautiful thing for me and shocking for others. I’m going to bring the belt back to America. I’m ready to rumble!" - Ray Austin
  9. 2-0-Sixx

    Adopt a clitoris. Please, for the love of god (Raël).

    All hail Raël. Raël is now making new clitorises. Fascinating indeed. Watch the Video [do it for Raël & humanity]: Rael continues to blow my mind and he will surely blow yours too. Now donate $$$ you fools and support the Raëlian...
  10. 2-0-Sixx

    Info on National ID's finally released

    Let me know if this is a repost... By Ryan Singel Republished from Wired News Mar, 01, 2007 Get Ready for National ID Homeland Security officials released long-delayed guidelines that turn state-issued identification cards into de facto internal passports Thursday, estimating the changes will...
  11. 2-0-Sixx

    Towers point to ancient Sun cult

    The Thirteen Towers constitute an ancient solar observatory The oldest solar observatory in the Americas has been found, suggesting the existence of early, sophisticated Sun cults, scientists report. It comprises of a group of 2,300-year-old structures, known as the Thirteen Towers, which are...
  12. 2-0-Sixx

    Limbaugh: I’m Responsible For Obama ‘Getting Blacker’ »

    On Feb. 13, Rush Limbaugh derided Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) — who is biracial — for saying, “If you look African-American in this society, you’re treated as an African-American.” Limbaugh claimed that this statement meant Obama didn’t want to be black and should “renounce it”: “If it’s not...
  13. 2-0-Sixx

    Damn...almost got the bastard. Cheney targeted by Taleban bomber

    Let's all hope next time it's not a miss.... ::: ::: At least nine people have died in a suicide bombing at the main US base in Afghanistan during US Vice-President Dick Cheney's stay, US officials say. Mr Cheney, who was unharmed, was staying at the Bagram base near Kabul. The US military...
  14. 2-0-Sixx

    Definitive Proof of US desire for Iraq Oil

    Here it is for all the doubters and the naysayers (if there are any left). The New Iraqi Oil and Gas law that is proposed for passage: includes among other things, provisions allowing executives from "important petroleum companies" to sit on the Federal Oil and Gas Council - with effective...
  15. 2-0-Sixx

    Tony Blair reportedly hired psychics to find bin Laden

    Obviously he didn't talk to Nancy Reagan, or he'd have gotten the RIGHT psychics. Psychics 'hired to find Bin Laden' by BEN CLERKIN - More by this author » Last updated at 11:54am on 23rd February 2007 Psychics were recruited by the Ministry of Defence to locate Osama Bin Laden's secret...
  16. 2-0-Sixx

    Dropping like flies: 9th helicopter downed in Iraq

    Woops, looks like joining the military doesn't pay off after all... Yet another U.S. helicopter has been downed by insurgent attacks in Iraq, according to Arab media reports being investigated by the Pentagon. If confirmed, it will be the ninth helicopter downed in Iraq since January 20...
  17. 2-0-Sixx

    Freeze 'condemned Neanderthals'

    A sharp freeze could have dealt the killer blow that finished off our evolutionary cousins the Neanderthals, according to a new study. The ancient humans are thought to have died out in most parts of Europe by about 35,000 years ago. And now new data from their last known refuge in southern...
  18. 2-0-Sixx

    DC Ron Rivera not coming back to Chicago Next season

    DC Ron "Chico" Rivera not coming back to Chicago Next season has learned that Chicago has decided to not renew the contract of defensive coordinator Ron Rivera. Team sources say that Smith and Rivera met recently and agreed to...
  19. 2-0-Sixx

    US and UK worst places in developed world to be a child

    You may or may not find this surprising... ::: ::: 16 February 2007 The United States and Britain are the worst places in the major industrialised nations to be a child, according to a new report produced by Unicef. The organisation, which usually highlights the plight of child soldiers and...
  20. 2-0-Sixx

    FEMA-supplied trailers for displaced Gulf Coast residents have been found to...

    FEMA-supplied trailers for displaced Gulf Coast residents have been found to emit formaldehyde vapors, causing serious health problems. Along the Gulf Coast, in the towns and fishing villages from New Orleans to Mobile, survivors of Hurricane Katrina are suffering from a constellation of...