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  1. Stealth

    Announcement. Peep.

    I'm sick of making this board a battle ground. Whatever fun that was once here, really seems like its been drained. I'm not gonna make a big speech, because honestly, I'm worn out. This shit has lost its fun, and that made me lose my interest. I just love to flow. I love to write rhymes...
  2. Stealth

    My deal.

    Cel-c-us and I made a deal. He's allowed back on the Siccness, provided I make a sig that he has to use every single time he posts. I took him up on the offer. This is the sig that he will use for the rest of his days on the Siccness:
  3. Stealth

    RD1: Sam Savage v. Dvious

    Good luck.
  4. Stealth

    RD1: Eastwood v. Masked Man

    Good luck.
  5. Stealth

    RD1: Smurf v. Da Robber

    Good luck.
  6. Stealth

    RD1: Biggz v. Seak

    Good luck.
  7. Stealth

    RD1: Juan v. Heitic

    Good luck.
  8. Stealth

    RD1: Lee v. Tragic

    Good luck
  9. Stealth

    RD1: Paqo v. Mr. Last

    Good luck.
  10. Stealth

    RD1: Fatal v. Tank Locc

    Good luck
  11. Stealth


    I took the top 16 contenders. You're all actin like fuck-ups, so i didn't do anything special to try to accomodate other people. Here's the rules: -THREE Verses per contender, per battle. -Verses due within 7 days. -Voting due within 10 days. -If you bitch, i'm just gonna give you a forfeit...
  12. Stealth

    HONOR MATCH: Stealth v. Cel-c-us

    Cel-c-us IMed me...said that if me and him battled, and I won, he'd leave the boards forever. I decided to take him up on his offer. Now Cel-c-us, I know that you're on the internet every day, all the time. So if you don't have a reply to this NON PREWRITTEN verse by the end of the day, I...
  13. Stealth

    No Show Announcement

    There have been around 13 no shows this week. If nobody posts up their verses by the end of the day, Im cancelling the remainder of the Leagues and going straight to the tournament.
  14. Stealth

    Week5: Oaklandraider v. Cel-c-us

    Good luck
  15. Stealth

    Week5: Tank Locc v. Mr. Last

    Good luck
  16. Stealth

    Week5: Dvious v. Biggz

    Good luck
  17. Stealth

    Week5: Killahoe v. Deuce

    Good luck
  18. Stealth

    Week5: Tragic v. Da Robber

    Good luck
  19. Stealth

    Week5: Seak v. Fatal

    Good luck
  20. Stealth

    Week5: EXHIBITION: Furio v. Heitic

    Good luck