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  1. T

    Elections are near...

    just want to know how many are going to go vote.. i believe that both parties are corrupt, but the party thats in charge right now is basically letting there nazi master do whatever he wants and isnt being the check and balance that congress and the senate is supposed to be so im going to vote...
  2. T

    some sad netbanging shit..

    i kno foolz going to hate this but they dont have to reply.. lets clarify something.. surcali grrl got exposed posing as a norteno to netbang undercover... ikillscraps: The IP Address is: The host name is: surcaliman/boy: The IP Address...
  3. T

    The bayarea music scene and politics..

    I want some opinions on this.. what would yall think if E-40 or Ya Boy started doing songs about current events and political shit? Would yall still support em or would u be turned off? I ask because i think thats what we are missing at the moment, yeah ok, kickin it, clubbin, thizzin its all...
  4. T

    The OFFICAL 9/11 thread "lest we forget"

    On the heels of the anniversery lets reflect on how much evidence is needed for a theory too no longer become a theory... This thread was 5 dayz in the making.. lotta research done.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1)Thermate was found at the craters...
  5. T

    Republican right winger's are not true americans!!!

    what a neo-con really thinks... 1)"Fraud is rampant but hey, our guy stole-er i mean won the election so who cares!?! stop crying about it!!! its only voter fraud... u know the saying about spilt milk" 2)"my children and childrens children are more then likely to struggle with low wages, and...
  6. T

    Troll on the left ((VS)) PGBD on the right

    so we dont clutter other threads with our debate... my claims.. 1)Iraq was a blunder 2)Neo-cons are facists 3)racial/terrorist profiling is wrong.. 4)9/11 was an insde job ^^ threw the last one in for fun.. ill let u start off with your opening statements...
  7. T

    Power= ????

    thoughts?? i think numbers.. as in people.. u can only buy off so many people and be an authority to so many... i think once this is realized many will believe they can do more and take organizing more serious.. anybody??
  8. T

    Jefferson school policy attacked by bush admin

    U.S. against using race in assignments
  9. T

    Fuck the B.A.R.S awards...

    I know this probably going to get deleted because its it actually stirs debate on a forum reserved for titles that begin with "HYPHY STUPID DUM DUM RETARDED" but WTF? hatred seems to be a big thing out here against foolz who actually do the shit some of these rappers only make money singing...
  10. T

    Political Cartoonz

    Post em up :cheeky:
  11. T

    Satan is not Lucifer

    found this on another site thought it was intresting...
  12. T

    practicing political punchlines like a pundit

    Poetry in particular... They think im un political because i roam the streetz- but the streetz are my haven from the neo-con deciet- a retreat is what id call, because the rich are taking over- all agendaz have an army, always looking for a soldier- the CIA got that white, in afghan they need...
  13. T

    What are your beliefs??

    how do you think we came to be here?? what is our purpose?? if you would like to call it religion then what came to make you believe in it??. I myself have come to fall in the category between wiccan and shamanism.. heres why.... I do not believe that we are just some freak accident nor the...
  14. T

    Invisibility figured out?!?!?!?
  15. T


    I Have a question.. Ive been banned from 3 sites alreaady for asking this question.. when using nero or any other similar programs, are u able to burn ur .img files off your computer or does the program make an exact duplicate of whats on the disc?? i have spent nearly 5 months modding my...
  16. T


    OK.. for the past 5 or 6 months ive been trying to figure out if theres a program i can burn games with.. SPECIFICALLY.. im looking to burn my GTA:san andreas game BUT.. i want to kno if i can alter files before burning... ive modded the game (adding cars, clothes new gangs etc) and i want to...
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    We all knew they were dirty already but dayum..
  18. T

    the.. FUCK IM SICK!!!!!!!! sign in...

    damn.. finally caught something... and its not some small here today, gone tomarrow head cold.. its the "gotta cover your ears and nose while on the toilet cuz the sound and smell of my shit makes me puke" type sickness.. i jus wanna know how far and how long its been goin around... anybody??
  19. T

    What is it about "hyphy" that appeals to the mainstream audience????

    real question expecting some honest opinions.... if all you can reply with is "cuz its tite" then that means u cant think of any...but why does hyphy appeal to mainstream?? ...could it be because its geared more to clubs?? ..cuz its the one of the few NON-GANG affiliated rap genre in cali...
  20. T


    click his/her name and view there profile.... then right next to the bold white letters is "add user to ignore list"... once you clik it all his posts are invisible too you