I've been looking at Western Governor's University for the last year or so, just haven't pulled the trigger. They start monthly, so I don't have to wait on traditional semesters and they have a go at your own pace curriculum.
I spent my entire 20's on a work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep life style. I had to leave the Army after a decade of it because of burnout. The only thing keeping my from signing up for school at WGU is asking myself if I'm willing to do that again for a couple more years in my late 30's. I'm probably gonna do it soon, just amping myself up for it and need to finally pull the trigger.
Programming/coding. Gonna do this Bachelor's degree when I finally pull the trigger and start.
I already have an Associate's Degree in Cisco Networking Technology from one of the local community colleges, but I have zero interest in pursuing it as a career and I also don't have any of the Cisco certs, which oddly in the industry carry more weight than a fucking degree lol