Mmm... Yukon gold potatoes are so good. I don't even need butter or anything other than the slightest sprinkle of salt. Steak and potato post workout meal on deck.
This rainbow unicorn bang is my favorite flavor so far... I can see myself getting tired of it fast though
I'm benching 225lbs now for five sets of five. I know that's not impressive but my bench has always been absolutely awful because of long arms and small wrists and hands. And you have to remember like less than two years ago I weighed 156lbs at my lowest after dieting away nearly all traces of muscle lol... I'm like a recovered aids / cancer survivor. I think I'll give it a rest until Friday aka Saturday morning and I bet i can get three or four sets of 8. My new goal is to stay consistent and hopefully get to 300lbs bench by 2020. Numbers aren't important to me, I'm not training for strength I'm training for hypertrophy, but it's nice to set a goal to work toward