There's literally producers in their teens 100x better than you giving free beats away on YouTube. Good luck to you. No one hates you because you're a nobody. Get over it.
You think you're so talented that it results in people hating you? That's the dumbest logic ever. You sound like every simple delusional person on IG thinking they have haters because they're so good at life. Real life doesn't work that way. When you're good at something people applaud you for it.
I want facts and proof that I think I'm better then everyone that's bullshit when I rapped I felt that way but never as a producer!
It's funny to me how posting hella beats daily on the regular on a rap music board would lead to other producers saying I suck/indecent the slap master was the first to do so!after we battled I figured the siccness as a company would respect me and allow me to post hella beats daily they didn't!after numerous bans they finally let me troll like everyone else different with me is introll hella beats music related compared to all this viral bullshit nowadays lol!facts!
So to say I think I'm better then everyone is bull we all know why folks been hating on me since day 1
1 cause I posted to many beats
2 cause I didn't make 1 thread for all my beats
3 cause I suck lol
But yet they still hit me sideways lol!