Some autist just tried to lightweight rage on me and i laughed in his face. It was that really fucking weird guy i used to talk about would walk his cat around the garage tied to a leash at random times like 2-4am. He's like 50 years old and weird as fuck living with his mom here im pretty sure he's a perma-virgin. Anyway i walk into the loading dock to toss some old papers ppl aren't picking up into the recycling and he's standing there digging in a trash can like a weirdo. "Good morning! What's this, you sorting this?" i go to throw the papers in the trash can cause there was cardboard on top i figured he was sorting through it, then i realize its straight up nasty trash and toss them in the recycling behind him while he's just staring at me not saying anything then he goes "THE TRASH?! REALLY?!" so dramatically i laughed in his face. Stared at him and laughed more then walked off. Fuck him, he can complain i don't give a shit