That was the only medicated peppermint patty that I had. I got extremely stoned, and I still am...but right now I'm about to take your advice and vape some Blue Dream oil...
I heard to be a juggalo you have to have at least 1 form of hepatitis, at least 3 STD's, and no showering for 2 months before you can even put in your application.
I heard to be a juggalo you have to have at least 1 form of hepatitis, at least 3 STD's, and no showering for 2 months before you can even put in your application.
Holy fuck the remake of cabin fever is so bad. I mean i knew it was gonna be shitty cuz i remember seeing the trailer, but my girl got this on redbox without my consent so i figured I'd watch it but i had to turn that shit off