Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
In the name of Allah, the merciful and compassionate
Thanks be to Allah. We thank him, turn to him, ask his
forgiveness, and seek refuge in him from our wicked souls and bad
deeds. Whomever Allah enlightens will not be misguided, and the
deceiver will never be guided. I declare that there is no god
but Allah alone; he has no partners. I a l s o declare that
Mohammed is his servant and prophet.

ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die
not except in a state of Islam"

“O mankind! Fear your guardian lord who created you from a single
person. Created, out of it, his mate, and from them twain
scattered [like seeds] countless men and women; fear Allah,
through whom ye demand your mutual [rights], and be heedful of
the wombs [that bore you]: for Allah ever watches over you."

"0ye who believe! Fear Allah, and make your utterance straight
forward: That he may make your conduct whole and sound and
forgive you your sins. He that obeys Allah and his messenger, has
already attained the great victory."

The most truthful saying is the book of Allah and the best
guidance is that of Mohammed, God bless and keep him.
[Therefore,]the worst thing is to introduce something new, for
every novelty is an act of heresy and each heresy is a deception.
Various amounts of terrorism watchlists